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I slept two hours that night, the longest my body had rested in so long. I was up before the sun, sitting on the roof staring at the sky as it rose. The colors shifted before my very eyes, and I aloud my own irises to shift with them. Dark blue to pale lavender and pink, gold floating through and swirling intricate designs.

Once you receive your grace, your eyes become a shade of golden white. The paler they are, the more pure you are. My eyes were almost a pure white, but somehow I was able to change the melatonin within them. I could make them become the sunsets and sunrise, the ocean and the very night sky. I usually kept them the original color that I was born in, but once my wings come out they become full of my grace and essence.

Once the sun was almost fully risen and cars started leaving their homes, I went back inside to change for the day. I took a page from Deans book and slid on black skinny jeans as well as a worn out leather jacket he had gifted me when I was fifteen, and a light pink button up Sam gave me at sixteen. I made sure very bruise I still had from the war and every scar was covered, before smiling as I looked at myself. This was who I was.

No Angel, No Warrior, just Sang.

I locked up the house after covering my body in weapons, Angel blades and three handguns filled with rock salt, as well as the occasional dagger I'd need. I fingered the keys in my palm, eyeing the watch I had along my wrist as I started the car up, the loud roar of the engine a familiar noise since I grew up. I was actually running a bit late than I meant to be, only ten minutes before the bell began.

I gunned the Impala, speeding through the roads until I quickly pulled into the parking lot of the school. I pulled under a tree near the courtyards, stepping out as I brushed off the arm to my leather jacket. I rolled my eyes at the stares and whispers, spinning around and rushing through the crowd to get inside and find the office.

I finally reached the office, standing in front of the secretary while she typed onto her laptop. "Excuse me, ma'am?"

She ignored my voice, my eyebrows furrowing as the silence stretched on. I tapped on the table slightly, waving my hand close to her face just in case she was deaf. "Excuse me?"

I even signed to her, but nothing. After almost three minutes I came close to giving up when a new voice sounded, deeper, and almost smooth like honey. "I'll help you."

I turned to face golden curls and grass green eyes, a crooked flirty smile looking down at me from an impressive height. I furrowed my eyebrows again, was he one of us? Normally I could tell when a vessel was filled, but every once in a while they could slip bye.

"Are you..." I trailed off, his smile dropping slightly as he nodded.

"Yep, Sean Green, doctor extraordinaire." So he wasn't a Nephilim. I hummed as I nodded, extending my arm slightly.

"Sang Winchester, pleasure to meet you." He shook my hand, dropping it before waving me to follow him.

"Come on, I'll help you with a schedule since I'm assuming you're new? I haven't seen you before." I nodded as I kept in step behind him, my eyes flickering to the doors and signs as we stepped past.

Tonorrow I was going to have to come back and set up my own cameras, as well as see what records the school had on these students. Sean finally led me into an office with two desks pushed together, a bit cramped for the small room. Only thing is, he wasn't alone in the room.

In the other desk sat a man wearing a charcoal grey suit, black framed glasses and perfectly groomed brown hair. His eyes stood out as steel grey, hard as ice and steel mixed together as I walked in behind Sean. He sighed as he shook his head, almost as if he expected his companion to do this.

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