Parenting 101: Meeting You

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Ok this is literally the entire origin story of my oc of Erik and Macbeth's kid Emil and how he was literally created. So enjoy this because this is the beginning of a bunch of funny fluff of Erik and Macbeth being parents and trying not to mess up.

*No one's pov*
They have never been so nervous, sitting there in the lab of some of the best scientists and technology mages they were waiting for results of a new experiment. This experiment would give both Erik and Macbeth a child of their own without needing a woman in the process and this terrified them because of how many failures other couples had. They were both terrified, hopeful, and nervous on what will happen, they both had their own ways of dealing, Erik was pacing back and forth in a quick manner while Macbeth was sitting and bouncing his leg up and down while breathing slowly.  As they were waiting they finally spoke to one another after so long of not speaking.

*Macbeth's pov*
I watch Erik go back an forth as he walked and it started to make me dizzy, "Erik," he finally stops his pacing and looks at me, "Yeah Macbeth?," "I'm scared," I say quietly, "What the baby doesn't make it? What if they do, but die later because of them not being stable or us being bad parents? What if they baby ends up hating us for who we used be? What if-" I was cut off by a tight hug. "Macbeth it's going to be alright, I doubt the kid would hate us Macbeth," he then pulls away from me, "but the kid surviving is a tricky thing and this is still in testing so I don't know." He gives me a sad smile, "We'll just have to wait and see for the results alright?" I nod, "Yeah alright it's just-," I was cut off once more, but a small kiss, "Everything will be ok." Erik says to me once more and before I can speak both Erik and me are startled by a scientist coming into the room.

"IT'S A MIRACLE!," he's shouting at the top of his lungs scaring both Erik and I, "the boy is alive and breathing fine with no problems at all," he makes a quick gesture for us to follow him, "come meet your son you two, I think your son will be the door to a new world of science and magic merging together!" He then runs back down the hall, me and Erik just look at each other before darting down as well soon passing the scientist and making it to the room. By the time we got there we heard it a cry of a new born child, "Oh you must be his parents then?" a female medic was in there, both Erik and I nod, "Yes we are, how-" before I could finish she spoke, "-is he? He's very healthy with no problems with him at all." She reaches into a pod like container and pulls him out, "Though I think he's ready to see his parents." she then walks over to us and places him in my arms, almost stops crying right then and there and his cries dull down to little whimpers as he looks at me. 

The nurse chuckles, "He must already know who his mommy is," Erik gives her a weird look, she then explains the process of how I'm technically his mother because they were able to switch my sperm into something similar to eggs, which makes me his mother. "So he's just technically a normal baby or are there some special things we need to do?" Erik asks the her and she nods, "Yes for right now there are and what that is he'll need a weekly check up for his first year and a monthly check during his second year so we can make sure he's growing like a normal child and no problems happen during his first few weeks of life."  We both nod and just look down at him, he seemed to have fallen asleep in my arms, "Oh what's his name?" We look at her, "What?" she sighs, "I need his name so I can put it on his birth certificate," she explains, Erik looks down at the sleeping infant in my arms before say, "His name is Emil." she nods and writes it down before handing it to us. 

Erik takes the slip of paper from the nurse she then turns to me, "Have you thought about nursing him?" I give her a 'wtf' face, "I'm a man I can't nurse," she chuckles, "That's not actually true, a male can nurse it's just a little harder, but not impossible." I blush slightly and shrug, "I think about that maybe," though Erik did snicker a bit at my blushing face.  The nurse then began telling us on how he'll be checked over during each week and any other info we need then she walked away and left us to our selfs. "He's so tiny," I look at Erik, "We of course he is, he's a new 'born' baby Erik." He then takes Emil from my arms, Emil struggled in his father's arms before settling, Erik held Emil close to him before saying something I barley missed, "He's alive and here," he then sighs then smiles.

*Erik pov*
I've never felt so much joy then I did as I held Emil in my arms as I looked down at him I finally got a good look at his eyes, "He has your eyes Erik." I heard from Macbeth. "Yeah, I guess he does," I then chuckle, "though he has your black hair or apart of it at least," he rolled his eyes at me, "Your such an idiot Erik." He then lightly smacks my face and I playfully try and bite his hand, "Hey no Erik." Macbeth then takes Emil from my arms and goes and sits in a chair in a different part of the. Before I could though I was stopped by a different nurse this time, "Excuse me sir," it was a very small girl, "I need to see your son so that I can give him a look over on his body to make sure there are no birth defects."  I nod and point towards Macbeth, "Well you can try and take him from my husband if you can, he's already too attached to the little guy."

I look over at them as I speak and see Macbeth smiling so kindly and lovingly to Emil and it warms my heart. I saw the nurse head over to where Macbeth and Emil are, from I was told Macbeth wasn't too happy about what she told him, but handed him over to the nurse. I finally walked over after the girl left and sat next to him, "This is dream I never want to wake up from," I said, Macbeth only nodded and leaned against my shoulder, "He's here Erik, alive and here." He sighed and I just kiss his forehead, "Yeah he is." the nurse then came back with Emil, "He's all good and I think you guys are able to go home now. "I get up from the seat, take Emil from the nurses arms and nod. Macbeth follows as well and we both then start to walk out. As we begin to leave a lady is waiting for us at the exit with papers, "These are your parent documentations and everything you need has already been shipped to your home which you both should get in a few hours." She then shoves the papers into Macbeth's arms and we just give each other a look before heading home.

I would be lying to say that me and Macbeth would have everything under control and are confident on raising Emil. Though that would be me lying and that the first night we had Emil was the first rough night to many. 

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