Little Family

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Ok so this time line takes place awhile after the manga has ended and those of you who haven't read it I'm going to spoil a part of it for you for the stake of the story. Spoiler warning in 3.........2.....................1
All crime sorciere members made up of criminals have been pardon of their crimes and oracion seis is apart of it so their free babies. This is just my take on what Erik and Macbeth would be like as parents to their son(my oc) Emil I'll post a pic later of him and this takes place when Emil was little like a 5-7 year old btw. Enjoy.

*Third pov*

Outside of the city named Era, where the magic council resides stands a house and in that house lives a quiet little family. On the couch was a man reading a book and a little rascal was trying to cause some trouble. "Don't even think about Emil," the man said as he looking up from his book. The child groaned at his father for the failure of his mission."Daaaaaaaaaad"

*Erik pov* 
As I sat on the couch reading one of the few novels we owned I heard it,'pit pat pit pat',the little foot steps of a child. I chuckle and continue reading waiting for the little one to come down. I continued to read my book till I heard little feet trying to go passed me,"Don't even think about it Emil" I looked up to see my son pouting at me,"Daaaaaaaaaad" I chuckle. "You know you can't bother your mother when he's cooking needs his as he says," I soon tried to do Macbeth's voice,"total concentration" the  Emil laughed. "Daddy don't do that or mama's going to be mad at you," Emil continued to giggle.

I chuckled too before shooing his son,"I won't tell if you don't," before Emil could nod I felt a hard smack of wood on the back of my head,"You don't have to tell because I heard when I came out to tell you dinners ready." I turned around to see Macbeth,"Ow daring that hurt," I rub the back of my head in pain and I look back to see Macbeth pouting,"and I don't sound like that." I chuckle before sitting up and turning to look at him,"I'm sorry Macbeth," he turns away from me and walks away to the kitchen,"Both of you just come on and eat your dinner,"he then disappears into the kitchen.

*No ones pov*
As both Erik and Emil went into the kitchen,Emil went to go grab the silver ware and plates to set the table quickly so that they can all eat. As the family ate Emil looked up to his parents as they spoke to one another, treasuring the time with them sense seeing both of them at the same time was rare sense they both worked.  Emil smiled and turned back to his dinner and continued to eat until the plate was clean. When their dinner was over Erik took the plate and went to go wash them in the sink Emil left his seat to go run off to his room before being stopped,"Alright Emil you have another hour till you need to get cleaned up and ready for bed." He sighed and looked at his mom and nodded,"Okay" before rushing of to do kid things in his room.

Macbeth just smiled before shaking his head and going over to help Erik with the rest of the dishes as he made it over there Erik glanced at him from the corner of his eye before speaking,"So Macbeth what are you thinking about?" He looked at Erik before smiling again,"Just thinking that who knew that we would be here having this,"Erik looks at him slightly confused,"What do you mean darling?" Macbeth continues,"I mean that Erik just a few years ago we were fugitives and that we couldn't be in one place for long and now that after the war happened and we were pardoned for our crimes," Macbeth turns fully to look at Erik,"to be honest I didn't know if we would live long enough to get this type of life Erik." Erik looks at Macbeth with a soft expression before smiling,"Yeah I thought so too,"he then pulls Macbeth close to him,"this feels like a dream or a fairy tale, but one I never want to walk up from."

Macbeth smiles at what Erik says and nods,"Me too," he then pulls back from him,"let's finish these dishes so me or you can give Emil his bath." Erik playfully groans before nodding,"Alright dear as you wish," Erik says playfully but Macbeth just rolls his eyes and they continue to finish up the dishes. Just as they finished they heard it,"MOM DAD IT'S TIME FOR MY BATH PLEASE," it was time for Emil's bath and Macbeth nods his head to the stairs,"I gave him his bath last time it's your turn," Erik nods, but before he leaves the kitchen he gives Macbeth a kiss and a little slap on the ass then finally letting him slowly go, Macbeth chuckles before pushing Erik,"Go give our son a bath you perv." Erik rolls his eyes,"You didn't think I was a pervert last night darling," Macbeth scoffs and blushes before making a shooing motion,"Just go Erik he needs to go to bed soon." He then begins to put the dishes away as Erik leaves the kitchen and walks up the stairs to see his son with his towel and pj's in his hand ready for his bath. 

Erik takes Emil's other hand and brings him into the bathroom, he sits Emil on the toilet as he roles up his sleeves and starts his bath. As soon as he feels the right temperature he turns to Emil,"Ok Emil do you need daddy's help getting undressed or can you do it by yourself?," Emil nods,"I can do it daddy," he then starts to take of his clothes by himself. By the time he's don the bathtub is full and Erik turns to turn it off,"Alright bud the water's ready, ready to get it?" Emil nods and climbs into the bathtub, splashing Erik as he does. Erik laughs and begins to bathe him, as Erik was washing his hair Emil looks up at him,"Hey daddy,"Erik hums in response,"Yes what is it?" Emil goes silent for a second before asking,"Daddy what does fugitive mean?," he looks at his father curiously, Erik goes silent for a second at the question rinsing Emil's hair and beginning to clean his body,"Well Emil a fugitive is someone that is running away from the bad things that are to happen to them when they do bad things to other people," Erik looks at Emil with a questioning expression,"why do you want to know that?" 

Emil looks at his dad,"I heard you and mommy talking about used to being fugitives, does that mean you did bad things to people?," Erik sighs,"It's complicated," he then smiles at him,"I'll explain it when your older ok," he then finishes cleaning Emil. He then pulls the plug in the bathtub and pulls Emil out of it and begins to dry him off,"Are you able to put your pj's on or do you need my help?" Emil pout,"I need your help please," Erik smiles,"Ok," he then finishes drying him off and helps him put on his little duck pj's,"There's one foot,"Emil puts one foot into his underwear and pants,"And there's the other foot,"he puts his other foot in."OK are up Emil,"Erik grabs the shirt while Emil puts his arms way up high as Erik puts it on him,"and there you go and ready for bed" Emil smiles and rushes out of bathroom to his own room and crawls into the bed, that's when Macbeth walked in,"I see daddy got you all cleaned huh Emil" Emil smiles"yeah and daddy taught me a new word too!"Macbeth raises an eyebrow,"and what word would that be?," as he asks his really hopes it isn't a swear word,"he told me the meaning of fugitive because I asked because I heard you and daddy saying that world." Emil explains, Macbeth's eyebrows raise up more,"I see," he then leans down to kiss Emil on his forehead,"well you shouldn't have to worry about that word just get some sleep and both me and your dad will drop you off at school how does that sound?" Emil gets really excited,"Oh wow that sounds awesome,"Erik walks in and makes the quiet motion,"Now Emil it's time for me and your mommy to say goodnight alright,"he leans down to kiss Emil's head too.

"Goodnight Emil sweet dreams," both Macbeth and Erik say at the time, Emil yawns,"Goodnight Mommy I love you, goodnight daddy I love you too," he then rolls over to go to sleep and Macbeth and Erik quietly leave the room for their son to sleep and closes the door. Erik yawns,"Well looks like to be our bedtime too Erik,"Macbeth says before going to their bedroom and stripping down to boxers to sleep. Erik follows along with Macbeth and they both lay down in bed and turn towards each other,"Macbeth thank you for everything and being by me for all this time," Erik chuckles,"even when we fight we still stick so closely together and I'm glad to have a family with you." Macbeth smiles,"me too Erik I love you much and our little boy as well I would trade anything or give you both anything in the world if it made either of you happy," Erik kisses Macbeth one more time before holding him close,"Good night I love you Macbeth see you in the morning." Macbeth nods and snuggles into Erik,"yes goodnight Erik I love you too," soon they both fell asleep in each other's embrace.


Well I hope you enjoyed this, this was fun to write because I made up this guy about a year ago when trying to figure out what type of child they would have and I just needed a family fanfiction for this pairing for their son. If you want the full bio of him just tell me in the comments and I will post it, so yeah hope you enjoyed this. Bye see you next update. 

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