My Mate Midnight x Cobra pt2

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As the giant hand had stopped Natsu from attacking the two, Master Makarov spoke up," Natsu, I see your intent with these two but I can tell they have not come to start a fight and it seems to be one of them if greatly wounded-" Makarov was cut off by Natsu. "So what, does that matter after all they've down why should we help them?!" "Because who do think are taking down the dark guilds around the continent?" Natsu as well as the rest of the guild looked up to Cobra talking. "I know that the stuff was horrible and can never be truly forgiven mostly for what we did to your guild and guild mates," Cobra pauses not knowing how to word what he say next properly. "Though we've changed and are trying to right our wrongs," Cobra looks at the them with a face full of despair and a pleading voice, "can you please help Midnight then we'll be out of your damn hair please!?"

Master Makarov steps down from the bar he was sitting on and walks towards Cobra, Cobra takes a step back in fear of the guild master, but all the little man does is have a gentle smile on his face and look towards Erza. "Erza can you take these two to the infirmary and I'll get Mirajane to help you with the injuries." The red head nods and looks towards Cobra and makes a gesture into follow here towards the infirmary.

As they get into the infirmary Erza begins to talk to Cobra," I've never seen you like that." Cobra is surprised by that statement," The hell that supposed to mean Titania." Cobra questioned. "In the times we have fought on the battle field I've never seen so much desperation and pain in you," she looks back at him," not even when you were searching for you snake cubellios," She turns away from his once again to open the infirmary door. Erza instructed Cobra to undress Midnight to where the wound is so that they can fix it.

As Cobra was doing so a white haired woman entered the room, he looked at her cautiously not seeing her before. She looked at him and smiled," It's alright I won't do anything to come harm to you or your friend."

As Cobra finally undressed Midnight to where the wound is and flipped him onto his stomach for the giant gash on his back, Midnight started to regain consciousness and was unknown to where he was," Wh-Where am.... I?" Cobra started to rub his back avoiding to touch the gash to either irritate it or open it more, he then spoke lowly to him," Macbeth we're at the guild Fairy Tail they're going to patch you up."He explained softly. "Why the hell are we here and not with the othe-,"he started to get up only to be pushed back down by Cobra.

"You would have bleed out and died long before we got to them and they were to closest to us." Cobra said. As their conversation kept going on Erza came back over to them,"Cobra I need you to hold Midnight down because he with need heavy disinfectant as well as stitches because its a huge wound and Wendy isn't here to numb it." Cobra nodded and climbed up onto the bed Midnight was and sat down to lay his head across his lap. "Macbeth you are going to need to relax when this happens alright?" All Midnight did was nod his head and waited.

Mira was the one to come over with the disinfectant and a rag with gloves on," This will hurt a lot sense how big the gash is." She then poured some of the liquid onto the rag and started to rub it onto Midnight's back, he grabbed onto Cobra tightly while trying not to scream at the pain. Cobra silently watched and held Midnight as it was happening. He didn't know why,but watching this as it happened made his heart start to race as he started to feel the need to stop her because this was hurting and he. didn't. like. it. Though he remained silent and tried to stay calm because Midnight would bleed out with them helping.

As Mira finishes putting the disinfectant on Midnight, Erza walks over with a needle and thread as she was about to start to sew the gash back up Cobra stopped her,"Let me do this part." He looks at her and she nods and hands him the needle and thread."Would you like us to stay in here with you?" Erza asks."No thank you for helping but I got it from here thanks for being kind enough to patch him up." Cobra spoke softly Erza nods and her and Mirajane just walk out the room and close the door.

"Macbeth," he looks up at Cobra slowly," Yeah Erik,""I need you to stay still as I do this, this will hurt more and I want to get it done as fast a possible so you can feel better." Macbeth nods and holds onto the bed sheets tightly as Erik begins to sew up the wound.

Macbeth lays there try hard not to move as Erik starts to make the first stitches in his back, he can feel the searing pain in his back as well as the bloods sliding down his sides onto the bed. He groans and gasp in pain he can't tell which hurts more his back or the stitches. He then feels Erik climb back up the bed and looks over his shoulder to look at him,"Why are back on the bed?" he asks softly. "I can't get a good look at where I was standing so I need to be right here in order to see it better," he answers.

Macbeth nods and goes back to laying his head on the pillow,but soon gasps loudly in pain as Erik reaches the last few stitches near the more sensitive part of his back."E-Erik," Macbeth begins weakly, he cut off,"I know Macbeth just a few more and we'll be done." The marks on the lower part of Macbeth's back was from the tower of heaven and one the guards more horrible acts,but that story will be for another time. Erik noticed that there was bandages near him so he grabbed them for when he finished and could wrap it up.

Finally as Erik finished the last stitch and started to wrap up the the wound Master Makarov walked into the room and looked up at Erik,"Cobra as of the condition on your friend and guildmate I'll let you both stay within the guild for a few days so that he may recover." He looked at Makarov and nodded,"Thank you Makarov."

*A few hours later because Author as no idea to put in between here*

Erik sat outside the infirmary later that night as Macbeth slept inside the infirmary, he heard steps coming near him and glanced over to see both Natsu and Gajeel standing there. He sighs and looks fully over at them,"Is there something you both need?" he asks with a voice full of boredom.

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