That night

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Adrien decided to go and see her becuz she was acting a little weird so he transformed into chat and went to see her.

Marinette was sitting on her bed cuz she couldn't sleep after what happened with Adrien, she was think all these different things like would he break up with her and would he think she was childish? She herd a knock on her window, she yelled "come in!" Chat climbed down and sat on a footrest and looked at her. Marinette looked at him and looked down, she walked 5 steps to him. She stepped in between his legs and put her cheek on his and closed her eyes. He put his left hand on her back and pushed his cheek up against hers. "I'm sorry" marinette started "I don't know what came over me, and I-" chat kissed her to shut her up. And then he pulled away Mari looked down at him confused and lovingly and chat looked up at her with a smirk "I don't care, you can't get rid of me that easily". Marinette looked at him "Adrien" chat looked at her "yes". She bit her lip "I l-l-lo-looooost my....lipstick, can you help me find it?" Chat looked confused "Ya, I guess".

He got up and started looking around the room for her lipstick, she stoped him "adrien?" She said again "yes?" He said again. "That's not what I wanted to say" chat stopped looking for the lipstick and turned around and walked up to her "Well then what did you want to say?" He asked. "Ugh, I CAN'T SAY IT WITH YOU BEING SO...SO...CUTE AND ADORABLE AND SEXY..." she just realized what she yelled. "You think I'm sexy?" He smirked, she blushed "no..." marinette looked down and turned around and walked like 3 steps foreword. Chat walked behind her and rapped his hands around her. "Well I for one" he started moving her hair out of the way to kiss her neck but started at her shoulder "think your *kiss* smart *kiss* adorable *kiss* and sexy" he stoped at the bottom of her chin. Marinette had her eyes closed the hole time. "That." She said he looked at her as she turned around, she looked up at him "how can you say that?" He was confused "What do you mean?".

"You call me all those things and you just say them like there nothing" chat tilted his head "I say them becuz I mean them, princess" marinette rolls her eyes "Well then why can't I say 3 little words why can't they just come out of my mouth!" Marinette rolled her hands into fists and walked to her couch. She ploped down, chat walked up to her and kneels down in front of her. She looked at him, he looked back at her and softly grabs her hand and put it to his lips and closed his eye. "What 3 words are you trying to tell me princess?" Chat looked seductively at marinette. Marinette blushed. Hard. "I love you" she whispered but chat heard her. He looked up knowing those were the 3 words, he pushed her back onto the seats of the couch and crawled on top of her. He figured to release his transformation, and not scar plagg.

He transformed back into Adrien. Marinette put her hands on her face cuz she was embarrassed, Adrien grabbed them and put them above her head "Adrien?" Marinette squared. Adrien rolled his eyes "but?" Marinette looked at him "give me 2 weeks and I'll be ready, is that Ok can you wait 2 weeks?" Adrien sat up and help marinette up as well. "Ya, but you promise you want say 'I'm not ready' in 2 weeks" Adrien said pouting a little. Marinette just rolled her eyes "Adrien I'm going to give you a question and if you answer it correctly you can do me right here and now" Adrien looked at marinette she was being serious. "Ok?" Adrien said adjusting himself to sit up straight. "Ok, you ready?" Marinette said "ready!" Adrien nodded.

"Why do you love me?"

Adrien's eyes widened. Did he answer that question...but now that he really thought about it, he realized that. No...he really didn't. Why does he love her it can't justed be because she's ladybug. No that can't be it. Marinette looked at his, he looked back at her with a cheeky smile. "Ok I'll tell you what as soon as you can answer that question for me, come walk to me" marinette said shoving Adrien to the window. She picked up plagg and gave him his Kwami nicely and he trainsformented into chat. "Are you mad at me, I didn't even answer the question yet?" Adrien looked at her. Marinette patted his head "Oh honey I'm not mad, but if you give me the wrong answer I will be" marinette shoved him out the window and shut it and went to bed. Turth be told she just wanted him out so she could go to sleep. What she was tried.

Ok sorry this chapter was so short but I promise the next chapter will be longer untell then

*bug out

The Loveless Rebound || MarichatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon