The Fall That Changed Everything

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Me: Marinette and chat Noir are on the effel tower and marinette decided to jump off the tower out of the blue. So now chat has a falling psycho in his hand or is about to anyway.

One fan: you can't justed give away the story like that!

Me: why not I justed did and besides you know I would never let marinette die.

One fan: how would you know the fall would killer her-

Me: I fall like that wouldn't die her...

One fan: exactly as what I'm saying-

Me: it would splatter her all over the pavement so, no it would not kill her, cuz there would be no her.

One fan: oh

Me: so now that we have that can we get back to the story I'm pretty sure all the people reading plus you would not want use to go on and on about what we should do or what we could do.

One fan: ok your right sorry.

Me: thank you. And now.....What all have been waiting for...... Chapter 7 The Fall That Changed Everything.....enjoy.

Marinette let herself fall back... "Marinette!" Chat Noir yelled. "Chat!" Marinette screamed. Oddly enough marinette didn't thing this plane though fully, she was just hoping that he would catch her and it all be a funny little thing that they would laugh about later. But soon enough anxiety set in and she closed her eyes. She felt the wind go around her body and soon after her felt arms rap around her body and everything just stoped. She opened her eyes to see a teary eyed black lettered kitty-cat named Chat Noir holding her.

"Why the fuck would you do That?!" Chat chat said. She looked around she was still on the tower but she was were you come to look out and see Paris. "Marinette!" Chat wined at her. "Huh?" Marinette looked at chat and smalled. "Its ok I know you'd catch me" chat just cried some more and dug his head into her chest and she rapped her arms around his head. Luckily no one show them. "Your a psycho, you know That".

Back at school.

There was a lot of whispers, rumors, and gossip about marinette and chat being a thing. But for the rest of the day no one saw marinette or chat come back. And also people were wondering about Adrien but they just figured he had to go to a photoshoot.

That night.

Marinette was a little shooken about what happen so she had chat sat until she fell asleep and it wasn't hard ether. They just layed there cuddling watch a movie. It was some-sort-a romantic movies I don't know will just say it was "10 thing I hate about you" (If you haven't watched that movie you should go watch in its really good 😉😘😊).Chat was really into the movie he wanted to stay tell the end of it.

In marinette's dream.

Marinette wake up in her bed chat wasn't there she figured he went home so she did all her normal thing before school, showered, brushed her teeth and hair, put on cloths. Only this time it was different she couldn't find tikki. She looked up and down for her still nothing. She was worried, something was off. She went down stairs to go see if she was down there. She walked down the steps and herd her mother cried, she walk to her mother she thought is was werid that she didn't noise her walking to her. She tried to give her mother a huge. But she walked right through her. She was shocked she looked at the news paper on the table. It read:


Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a girl for Waterberg high school was found at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower today body so badly injured she was unrecognizable until they did an autopsy on her.

Marinette was shocked didn't chat catch her. She read on.

One of paris's most popular Super Heroes, Chat Noir, was a suspect in the case, people say they saw him push her off and saw she fall to her demise (death). He is now in paris's County Jail where he shall be on trial for her death and sentenced to life in prison.

Marinette didn't know what to do, Chat was being blamed for her foolishness and utter stupidity. She screamed and fell to the floor crying.

End of dream.

Marinette startled awake. Chat was trying to wake her cuz he could see she was having a trouble nightmare. As soon as she saw chat she hugged him. She was so scared she thought it was real. "Its ok, it's ok" chat hugged her back and was petting her head. The movies main menu was playing. Marinette looked around the room to reassure her self this was reality and not another dream. She breathes in and out a sigh of relief because she was reassured it was no dream, it was reality.

Marinette did tell chat that she was fine and that he could go but he crawled back into bed with her and cuddled her until she was warm. And she fell right back to sleep but this time she didn't have any nightmares. And as soon as he knew that he went back to his home fell fast asleep in his bed.

I know this is a sort chapter but I don't like leaving you guys with cliff hangers so there you go, I have an idea for the nexted chapter so don't worry I'm not out of ideas yet, so I will have the nexted chapter out soon. Btw I tried to add everything form the last chapters sneak peek into it if I forgot something just let me know down in the comments and.....

* bug out

(Pssssst it was almost 1,000 words yay)

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