Why Byakuya Has To Drive

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Byakuya Kuchiki: I understand the fact that this particular mission in the World of the Living requires the presence of Captains such as myself. But why must I come along to do the driving? Can't anyone else drive?

Jushiro Ukitake: No else would be able to reasonably drive. Think about it...

Soi Fon: My feet would not be able to reach the pedals. I also do not know how to drive. Plus, my Assistant Captain can not be trusted to manage my Squad on his own.

Retsu Unohana: I have my responsibilities as a Healer to attend to. So I can not be there.

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Aizen Sousuke: I certainly will not be driving for you as I have betrayed you. Plus, I drive like a mad man.

Gin Ichimaru: As have I. But I would get easily distracted. And get in trouble for unintentionally speeding.

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Kaname Tosen: Even if I had not joined them, I am blind so I would nost likely get into an accident. I also need to be able to maintain peace and have you seen the chaos that is drunk drivers, traffic, and people who apparently do not know how to fucking drive properly?!

Byakuya: I agree on that one. It is truly horrific.

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Sajin Komamura: Unfortunately my unique appearance would not go unnoticed. Also, am I the only one wondering how Tosen can read and type texts?

Jushiro: No you are not the only one. And Head Captain Yamamoto has other things to attend to. He is also old and likely to fall asleep while driving.

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Shunsui Kyoraku: You guys are wondering about that when you should be wondering why Kaname, Gin, and Aizen were messaging us in the first place.

Soi Fon: Go back to napping you dumb drunk!

Jushiro: Being drunk is the reason why he can not be driving. He is not fit to be driving when he is drunk. Not to mention it is illegal.

Toshiro Hitsugaya: Unfortunately I would never be able to pass for a legal driver. Soi Fon, please be nicer to Shunsui.

Shunsui: Thanks for looking out for me Toshiro!

(In real life he falls back to sleep.)

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Kenpachi Zaraki: I will have to admit that I would probably get myself arrested for racing on the highway. That and I do not know if I can even fit in the car.

Toshiro: You also have a dreadful sense of direction.

Kenpachi: I heard that! At least I would not take the car apart rather than drive it like Kuratsuchi would!

Byakuya: What about you, Jushiro?

Shunsui: Hey Jushiro!

(Irl Shunsui also shouts this aloud which startles Jushiro, which causes Byakuya to swerve)

Jushiro: Cut it out Shunsui!

Byakuya: Whoa!

Shunsui: Ah haha hahahaha!

Jushiro: Uwaaah!

Byakuya: Watch the scarf!

(Irl Byakuya punches Shunsui while Jushiro sneezes)

Byakuya: That is probably why.

Jushiro: Sadly yes.

~Username Key~

Byakuya Kuchiki = NobleKuchiki

Jushiro Ukitake = JushiroCandyMan

StingQueen = Soi Fon

HealerCaptain = Retsu Unohana

WolfShinigami = Sajin Komamura

FrostedHeavens = Toshiro Hitsugaya

HollowKing = Aizen Sousuke

FoxGrin = Gin Ichimaru

BlindJustice = Kaname Tosen

DrunkenTaichou = Shunsui Kyoraku

KennytheWarrior = Kenpachi Zaraki

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