Soma & Zafir Read 50 Shades of Grey

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Small ficlet where Zafir, Shakmeh, Lucikiel, Cain, Prince Soma, and Agni react to the existence of 50 Shades of Grey plus bonus portion where Ciel, Sebastian, Kayron, Vildred, and Phares react to it...Then something else ensues
Ships: Shakmeh x Zafir, Shakmeh x Lucikiel, Agni x Soma, Alois x Ciel x Sebastian, Vildred x Phares

Soma POV

I stare wide-eyed at the book in my hands. "Agni, this book isn't about the color grey at all!" I yell at him as he stares at the copy he's holding.

"We know." I hear Zafir say to me as he walks in with Shakmeh who's carrying a stack of the books.

"They make great kindling though." Cain pipes up from beside Lucikiel.

"Just add them to the fire. They're just garbage porn anyways." Lucikiel says to Shakmeh who nods.

"Agreed. This crap sucks and I only read one chapter." Agni says to him.

"You knew this was porn and didn't tell me?" I ask him in confusion.

"I honestly thought you knew it was porn." He tells me sheepishly and scratches his head.

"You would...let him read porn?" Cain says to Agni in confusion.

"It's not like I can stop him." Agni tells him and Cain sighs in response.

"Here, read this instead if you want to read porn." Zafir says to me while handing me a manga with an author named Siren Sorrento.

"It's yaoi." He tells me as Agni gapes at him when he hands me the manga.

"What?" Zafir asks him in confusion.

"Why are you carrying around yaoi porn?" Agni asks him in confusion.

"Sorrento's works have an actual storyline. They're quite interesting to read." Zafir tells him and he sweatdrops at that.

"Look, it's in color!" I excitedly tell Agni as I start looking through the book.

"No! Don't read something so graphic!" He yells at me in alarm before snatching it from me.

"But Agni! I rarely get a chance to see books in color!" I whine a little as I pout while crossing my arms.

"This isn't a book, this is porn." Agni argues back to me.

"Actually, it's a steamy romance manga. I'd know since I made it." A voice says to him as a pinkette male leans against the door.

"If you're not going to let Soma read it, can I have my autographed first edition copy of Rise of The Siren Queen Volume 1 back?" Zafir asks Agni as he reaches for the book.

"It's autographed?" I ask Zafir in surprise with sparkly eyes.

"Yep! Signed by yours truly!" The pinkette says to me.

"Oh, this is Sorrento." Zafir introduces as he gestures towards the pinkette and I look at him in surprise.

"You wrote that?" I ask Sorrento excitedly and he chuckles.

"Of course! And since my works aren't typically available to the general public, I'd appreciate if your butler didn't liken my works to common porn." He proudly tells me.

"He's also my boyfriend." I tell him.

"Then why do you want to read porn? You could just-!" Cain begins saying before he's elbowed by Lucikiel causing him to stop talking.

"Just what?" I ask him in surprise and curiosity while I look at him with a questioning look.

"Nothing you should be hearing." Lucikiel assures me with a warning look towards Cain.

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