How Vildred V Ras Should've Ended

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Final battle between Ras and Vildred...

Normal POV

"What's the point of this shit? We both want to defeat Anghraf, the Acolytes other than Nilgad do too! And all the others are tired of us fighting when we have a common enemy." Ras says before adding, "Why not just work together? You can beat the crap out of me afterwards if you're still pissed off at me!"

"It's about time you realized this, but since you took so long, we need to get Anghraf out of Mercedes first!" Vildred tells him as though he's an idiot.

"I wasn't expecting get you to agree so easily. And how do you plan on doing that?!" Ras replies in shock.

"Anti-possession technique. I have a lot to tell you after this." He tells Ras.

"Kayron!" Vildred yells as the Acolyte materializes out of the shadows looking a bit worn out with a couple scrapes and a dent in his breastplate.

"Time to fight Anghraf?" He asks and Vildred nods as they prepare to fight Anghraf.

To be continued...?

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