Sixteen-Getting Ready For The Holidays

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The few days after Calisto's diagnosis was hectic. Both Mira and Callisto were busy getting ready for the holidays, the doctor setting up treatment plans, and Ashley, oh Ashley. Ashley was busy trying to get revenge. Although she was still unaware of Callisto's diagnosis. She was left in the dark but was too bratty to notice. She wanted to get Callisto a gift that would change everything. The pack Christmas dinner was coming up so she decided she would strike then.

Everyone would be there. All she needed to do was make Mira look bad, sabotage her gift, and steal Callisto. It was easier in her head though. Ashley didn't even know what Mira was getting Callisto. She heard a few times about something that had to do with jewels. But, she ignored it, knowing that she would probably use Callisto's money to buy him a gift. Brushing her thoughts away, Ashley walked into the mall and into the men's section in Nordstrom.

She knew that Callisto had a favorite dress shirt. The start of her plan would be to buy a second one, steal his first, put the new one in with colors in the washing machine, and let everything else play out. The shirt was his favorite because his mother got it for him when he was young. He was told he would grow into it so technically, he had been waiting a while for it.

Although Ashley's plan was all over the place, she needed to cause a rift between Mira and Callisto. Just enough so she could fit between and push the two of them apart. Then, and only then, she would become luna.

Back at the mansion, Callisto was wrapping Mira's gift. It was simple but came from the heart. It was a small wooden picture frame with a photo of both of them. Mira was staring out into space with a dumb look on her face while Callisto looked scared to death. They were trying to do surprised faces and failed miserably. Yet, it was one of Callisto's favorite memories. Even if it had only been 1 or two months since he had met her, she made him happy.

He finished the wrapping just as his stomach growled. Mira wasn't home, she was helping babysit with Cyllene. He sat up and decided he would just pop a Pop-Tart in the toaster. A minute later, Callisto walked into the living room with a pop-tart. What wonders does technology do?

He turned the TV on and propped his feet up on the couch. He was starting to feel better each day after the flare-up. The doctor had given him daily medication and although it was a pain to take, it really made him feel better. The doctor even said that they could start setting up treatments. The treatment was somewhat like Chemotherapy so they would hold it off until after the holidays. It was called Stem Cell Therapy.

Flashback to a few days back-

"Stem-cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition. Bone marrow transplant is the most widely used stem-cell therapy, but some therapies derived from umbilical cord blood are also in use. We will use this and hopefully eradicate the disease." the doctor said.

Back to Present time-

Since werewolves had advanced technology, they could do it like they do it with Chemotherapy. It would cause Callisto to be bedridden but he had a better chance at life with the therapy. If it didn't work fully, the doctor said he would resort to a bone marrow transplant. But, he said that would be last resort.

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