Stiles Stilinski (19)

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Imagine seeing Stiles in the hospital after the Nogitsune made him believe that he had same brain disease that killed his mom

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Imagine seeing Stiles in the hospital after the Nogitsune made him believe that he had same brain disease that killed his mom

You were sitting on your bed listening to music when Scott calls you

"Y/N, come to the hospital" Scott tells you
"Scott, why? What happened" You ask him with worry in your voice
"Stiles is getting an MRI" Scott replies and with that he hung up
You grabbed your jacket and keys, and drove to the hospital

••                                                      ••

Scott grabs your hand and leads you into the room Stiles was in. You see Momma McCall and Sheriff Stilinski watching Stiles

You whisper a soft 'hi' to the two adults that acted as your parents ever since they gave known you.
Momma McCall opens the door, allowing me to see Stiles. Scott walks in behind me

"Hey Stiles" I said, walking over to the boy
"Hey Y/N, Scott" He replies
Stiles looks at me and then Scott
"Do you know what they are looking for?" He asks us
I look at Scott, who stayed quiet
"Its called frontotemporal dementia" He tells us
He explains what it is and what it does, and then says that there is no cure for it

"Stiles... if you are diagnosed with it.... we'll do something" I whisper, grabbing his hand
"I'll do something." Scott says
It was quite obvious what he would do if Stiles was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia . He was going to give him the bite.

Stiles looks at us both before pulling us into a hug. He was suffering. Suffering from loss and pain. And it hurt me to see the boy like this.

"What ever happens... you guys have to promise me that we will always stick together." I whisper to the boys
"I promise" they both whisper

Scott leaves to give Stiles and I some privacy
"Y/N... if something happens to me..." Stiles says
"Stiles, nothing is going to happen" I tell him, my voice cracking in the process
"Dont tell me nothing is going to happen, you dont know, I dont know.... If something happens to me... you have to promise me that you will move on. Promise me that you wont let this hurt you." He tells me

"Please promise me" He whispers
"I- I promise" I tell him as i wrap my arms around his neck
"I love you" he says
"I love you too, Stiles" I tell him

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