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I finished signing autographs and posing for pictures before going over to Charlie. He wrapped an arm around me as one of his many teenage boy fans came up for an autograph. I noticed them glancing over at me and keeping their gazes on him most of the time. I could tell Charlie was trying hard not to jump on their cases about staring at me. When they finally left we could leave.

"So. Mr. Mote the roper can attract more than just women." I teased. He chuckled. "Still got that sanitizer in your back pocket?" He asked. I pulled it out handing it to him. Oh did I mention that I'm going to be his team roping partner next year? Yup. I am and he can't wait. I've been practicing with him since our last rodeo.

We went over to where his horses were. We saddled them up before riding them around in the ring. He brought his heading horse for us to practice. That freaking jerk that wasn't even supposed to be here apparently somehow racked up enough points to come. Security is going to be keeping an extra close eye on him. I had a rope in one hand loping the gelding around. "Ready sugar?" Charlie called from across the ring.

I turned the horse a little too sharp and dirt slightly flung. I stopped him before looking over at Charlie. He gave me a thumbs up before pointing to the calf chutes. I met him over by them. "You didn't do anything wrong with him. He was first trained to be my sister's barrel horse until my dad found a faster horse for her." Charlie told me. "He's used to the slight rein change and jerking around for a turn."

I nodded before leading the horse into the box. These were practice steers someone had brought for the competitor to practice with. I twirled the loop before getting the feel. Charlie looked over at me briefly before back to the steer. I called for it before jumping. I caught the horns and pulled tight. Charlie caught the heels and pulled back. "Not bad sugar. That looked better than when we practiced at home." He said before dismounting.

He got the rope off the horns before coming over to me. "Don't worry bout what I'm doing or what your mount is going to do especially when your roping. He follows your lead. Only focus on the steer and what he's going to do and where he's going. This gelding has a large leap, he can catch up to that steer like you saw. Only watch the steer and how close you get to him. Got it?" He asked finally. "Yeah." I answered.

"Wanna do it again once more?" He asked. "Yes." I told him. I leaned down letting him kiss me. We then went back to the boxes to try again. I looked over at the steer then up at Charlie. He was watching me. I looked back down at the steer before calling it. It sprung out and the gelding under me did too. I swung my rope before landing it over the head catching it. I stopped the steer in its tracks as Charlie caught the heels. I looked over at him as that time was called out by the guy behind the chute.

He dismounted and let the steer go. "That looked so much better sugar. Always make sure your partner is ready for the run and is waiting on your lead." He said. I nodded. "Let's get these two cleaned up and watered." He said going back over to his heeling horse. I let him lead the way back. Once at the stalls I dismounted loosening the cinch and girth. I took the saddle off and put the halter on him before leading him into the stall and brushing him down.

Charlie started whistling. Something I've found calming for both the horses and I. I know he does it to pass time and to entertain himself while brushing his heeling horse or any horse he's brushing. I sighed as I finished before picking the dirt and who knows what from the gelding's hooves. When I was done Charlie had refilled the water dish and gave both horses their grain. Along with his calf horse.

I let him take my hand leading me around to watch and just enjoy each other's company. His thumb brushed the ring on my left hand obviously in thought. "Whatcha thinking bout?" I asked him. "How tonight will go. How our trip home will go. Christmas. How we're going to decorate the house this year. What to get my family for Christmas. Other topics floating around bout things that need to be done when we get home." He said.

I took my hand out of his and wrapped both arms around him loosely as he wrapped an arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder just before the exit. He kissed the top of my head as we exited. One quick stop at the hotel room before tonight.

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