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It didn't take long for me to start falling asleep at the wheel. I kicked my foot on the side once more to wake it up. It was nearly two in the morning when I spotted a truck stop. Yes it's causing us time, but I need to pull off and sleep. And maybe use the bathroom. I pulled into a parking spot and nudged Charlie. He woke slightly before sitting up straighter. "We there?" He asked. "Nope." I said yawning.

"Would you like me to drive?" He asked. "Do you want to?" I asked looking over at him. He had a look of worry on his face. "I had to pull off. I was bout to fall asleep and run off the road." I told him. "It's fine sugar. Did you sleep at all earlier?" He asked. I shook my head. "I should have drove first." He muttered before getting out. I did too. "Restroom break and then back on the road?" I asked meeting him at the front of the truck.

"Yeah." He answered. We both went in using the bathroom before going back out, him with a coffee. I don't understand how people can drink that stuff and I'm not going to start an argument on it. I got in the passenger side and buckled up. I took my boots off and curled up in the seat. He was holding the wheel with one hand and letting me rest my head against his other one.


She should have woken me up sooner if she was feeling that tired. Especially since she didn't sleep well last night with that fight that had broken out among a few drunk cowboys. Then that afternoon nap didn't last long neither did our morning when we both tried to sleep in. I'm definitely going to let her sleep more than me. George Strait played softly on the radio. I kept my eyes open gently moving every now and then to get a sip of coffee.

One thing I won't miss about being a bachelor is all of the women. I'm seriously think about doing at Christmas. I know it's too soon for most, it just feels right with her next to me and I'd love to have her more than a girlfriend. I can see myself having a life with her. A few boys and maybe a daughter or two. I smirked knowing I'm getting ahead of myself. Cowboy Christmas is only two months away. We're going to this last rodeo before heading home.

I'm definitely going to talk to her dad and see if he'd let me.


I woke up when Charlie nudged me. I sat up seeing we were at the grounds for the one night rodeo. We got out and took care of the horses before curling up on the couch to get a nap in. My alarm went off several hours later signaling for us to wake up to get ready. Charlie was still sound asleep. I tapped him a few times before kissing his cheek. He stirred lightly. I kissed his cheek once more straddling his lap. He opened his eyes and stretched below me.

"Time to get ready?" He asked. I nodded. He leaned up to kiss me. I met him in the middle before getting off to continue getting ready myself. I tucked my shirt in and fastened my jeans before donning on my belt. Then chaps. I pulled my vest on and went out to grab my riggings. Charlie saddled his tie down horse and set my bareback rigging on his horse behind the saddle. He had me get on in the saddle and go on behind me with my saddle bronc saddle and halter with him.

He guided the horse over to the chutes. Broncs were the first two events. Once there he dismounted holding my saddle. I put the halter up on my shoulder along with my bareback rigging. I then took my saddle from him. "Don't get hurt ride good sugar. I'll see you on the other side of the ring." He said kissing me before remounting and leading his horse through the crowd. I went and drew my horse.

I didn't know these two I drew. We did the national anthem before I put my saddle bronc rigging on the first horse and got into the chute. I got just right and nodded. The chute opened and that's the last thing I remembered.


I sat watching as she got into the chute. Once the gate opened everything went wrong. Her saddle slid completely off the horse. She went with it falling back into the chute. I ran my horse over to the scene. The pickup men were getting the horse out of the ring. Two paramedics were trying to get her out of the chute. I could only stand by watching. I finally got off my horse and went over there.

Several of the cowboys behind the chutes were already talking about it and who was near her last. I glanced over seeing one smirking like crazy. I then went up to the group asking if he could have done it. Most of the group went over and dragged him away. "He's the one that tampered with her saddle during NFR last year." The guy said. "Shouldn't of been able to go to the rodeos she's at." I said.

"Can't stop anything like that. Wish we could. All he has to do is show up, sign up and pay the entry fee." He said. They got her out of the ring on a stretcher. "I'm going with her." I said before running to catch the ambulance. I sent Trevor a text saying that she was going to the hospital and that I wanted to be with her. He understood and let me go. On the way she woke and said she had a severe headache and that her riding wrist hurt.

I could only sit by while they examined her. Luckily she had all of her points to go.

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