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I woke up late in the day. My back was still hurting, but was scabbed over. I let Charlie clean and dress it before pulling a tank top on over it. I found my button down for the day and put it on. I tucked the shirt in and paired it with a buckle from the summer. I slid my boots on all the while my boyfriend was still not dressed. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" I asked. "Yeah." He said.

"Are you going to get dressed?" I asked. "Why?" He asked. I went up to him and he let me sit on his lap with my head on his shoulder. "Could we go one last time to the trade show?" I asked. "What for?" He asked. "I might find some more jeans and shirts for next year." I said. He kissed my forehead. "But what if I want to stay here with you and keep you wrapped in my arms until we have to go over to the T&M center?" He asked.

"But I'm hungry." I told him. He grabbed the menu from the table and looked through it with me still on his lap. "What would you like sugar? They've got steaks, sandwiches, burgers, soups, and anything else." He said one hand and arm holding me on his lap by my waist and bottom. He had asked two days ago if this was fine. I looked at it. "Would you split a burger with me?" I asked.

"You know I would." He said. Then ordered it. I sat down on the bed as he answered the door. He then came back with it. After eating it we took a quick nap knowing how long tonight will run. He woke me up and had me fix my bed hair while he got dressed. "Wear a bit of makeup. I've got a feeling about tonight sugar." He said. "Ok." I said before getting into my bag. I grabbed my Blu-Red lipsence and a red gloss along with some waterproof mascara.

I applied the mascara then evenly spread the lipsense on my lips. I then coated it in the gloss before I was good. "Red looks nice on you." He said. He kissed my cheek, him being freshly shaven. He looked so rugged before. Now he looks more cleaned up. "And you look nice cleaned up." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. "Are you ready then?" He asked. I nodded against his chest.

He kissed the top of my head. "Then let's go." He said leading the way out. We went over to the T&M center and saddled both of his horses. "Final night sugar." He said. "I know. I've been waiting for this night since last night ended." I said. "Same here. You've been doing great every single night sugar." He said. "You too. Except that night you became covered in dirt." I said.

"Yeah. Let's not speak of that. I'm needing a new roping partner after tonight." He said. "So your dad or a family member won't?" I asked. "No. I guess I could ask Trevor Brazile. He's been looking for a roping partner." He said. "It's fine by me." I said. "Unless you want to be my roping partner. I bet you can rope the horns or heels of a steer." He said. I chuckled. He let me ride one of his horses into the ring.

After the grand entrance and nearly fifty states of riders in all events it was time to start. I grabbed my gear bag and saddle carrying it to the chutes. Barrel racing was first then bareback, then calf roping, saddle bronc, team roping, and bull riding. I drew my horse for tonight and handed over my rigging with my initials carved into the leather. I was second out with a horse almost every guy was getting bucked off.

I got into the chute ready. I took a breath as I eased into the chute. I got into position and nodded. The gate opened. The horse bucked out. I held on as tightly as I could keeping my heels down. My rigging slipped. I used my knees on the broad bronc's back to stay on until I heard the buzzer sound. I let it fall to the ground with me. I let go of it running to the side and climbed out.

My rigging was handed to me. I set it over by my bag before watching the rest. I watched my boyfriend tie down rope before drawing my next horse. An official was back here. He was talking to the other riders. I slowly made my way over. They were talking about how my rigging came loose and was trying to figure out how it did come loose. None of them were saying they did it.

They had two officials check the riggings and saddles when it was time for saddle bronc. They checked my saddled and halter before letting me ride. The horse pitched me at seven point nine. Almost a complete ride. I got back up and behind the chutes. I was handed my saddle and halter. I grabbed my bag and went to my boyfriend's stalls quickly. I spotted him just before he was about to go.

"Just stick it in the box. And could you brush Pecos down for me?" He asked. "But I want to see you rope." I said taking my vest off. I set my stuff down as he mounted. "Come along then." He said holding his hand out. I took his hand and the back of the saddle pulling myself up, him letting me use the stirrup. I wrapped my arms around him as he quickly rode to the area around the boxes.

"Pick your steers boys. It's the last night. There's always one you have not drew yet." A man yelled. A man rode up next to Charlie. "Brought your girl along?" The guy asked. "Yeah. She wanted to watch. What's wrong with that?" He asked the guy. "Nothing." He said. "Which steer?" Charlie asked. "How bout number fifty." The guy said. "I guess." Charlie said. The guy rode ahead a bit. "I would have chosen ten." I said.

"Why?" He asked. "Fifty kicks up his heels high and shakes his head to get loose of the rope. If your the header you've got to get the rope clear around his neck." I said. "And if I'm the heeler?" He asked. "Sharp throw, tight loop. When he goes to spring his heels up wait until he's halfway down to loop them otherwise you won't get the score or you won't get one of the hooves." I said.

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