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Arms were wrapped around me holding me to where I was sleeping. I tried to move, not getting anywhere. The grip tightened. I looked up seeing Charlie's face. I started to wiggle my way free. Once I was free he woke up. He had a confused look on his face. I stretched my legs out before standing. I looked at the time before crawling onto the bench bed beside the couch. I fell back asleep not caring that he could come over here and lay down next to me.

Just as I thought, he did. This time I couldn't fall off being against the wall. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me to him. As long as we're not doing anything that could get him arrested or in trouble I'm fine. In other words as long as we're just snuggling.

 In other words as long as we're just snuggling

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Bobby and Charlie dropped me off at my house. I spotted Dingo coming up to investigate. He sniffed my bags before trotting up the drive. The herd of bronc horses watching as I carried my things. The mule dad usually leaves out with the herd came up to me. I dropped my bag and scratched his forehead. He let me put my saddle and rigging on his back before I put my halter on letting him help me with my load. Mid October isn't such a bad time.

I led him up to the house opening the gate and leading him through. My phone buzzed. I looked down seeing that a payment for the truck and camper was in my bank account now. Two months for that butthole to pay me for it. I'll ask mom to take me to that dealership knowing dad he'll flip his crap and tell me I can't ride anymore. Too bad I'm going to NFR. Mom saw me and came out to greet me.

"Your alive." She said. "Of course. I'll always come back home." I told her. "Why weren't you in your truck?" She asked. "It and my camper were lost in a crash. I have the money for a new one, but I'm traveling with friends to NFR." I told her as I got my gear off the mule. "Better not let your dad hear that." She said. "He's got some broncs going to national finals rodeo." I nodded. "Oh who are they?" She asked. "Bobby Mote and his son." I said.

"That name sounds familiar." She said. "Four time champion bareback bronc rider?" I asked. "Yup that's Bobby. I met him in high school. You should invite him and the family over. Oh your father is away at a rodeo at the moment so. It's just you and I." She said. "Ok. Let me go put my gear up and I will unpack and show you what I won." I told her. To be honest, I had fun. I let her take my dirty clothes while I took my gear.

I let the mule back out with the herd and took my gear to the tack room. I took my gear bag into the house full of buckles I had won. I went right to the living room when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID before answering. "Did you get home?" Was the first question. "Yes I did. I'm unpacking." I told him. "Are both of your parents home?" He asked. "Just my mom. Why?" I asked.

"Just wondering if you and her would like to come over for dinner and stay as late as you can." He said. "And who's idea was this?" I asked. "My dad's. Ow. Ok it was mine. I told him who your mom was and he agreed to it. My mom and siblings know about you guys and are already tidying the house up." He said. "I'll have to ask. You know I'm seventeen." I reminded him. "I remember sugar. That's why we're going to be hanging out with my family and your mom." He said.

"I'll see if she wants to get out of cooking tonight." I said before hanging up. He sent a text. 'Don't worry about dressing up. Tee shirt and jeans will do. This ain't formal.' "Hey mom." "Yes?" She asked from the laundry room. "Would you mind if we went to a friends house for dinner?" I asked poking my head in the doorway. "Depends on which friend." She said. "Well Mote called me saying that he told his dad who my mom was and he agreed to it." I said.

"Does his wife know?" She asked. "Her and the rest of the kids are tidying up the house. Said it was tee shirt and jeans casual." I said. "Let me finish up here, you need to feed the herd and we'll go. I don't even care if we take the flatbed on a forty minute drive." She said. I gave her a salute before getting my boots back on. I went out and put feed sacks on the flatbed. I went out with Dingo on the bed and whistled to the herd. I poured feed into the troughs and checked the water tank before getting back in.

I picked up mom and told Dingo to stay put at the house. He sat as I pulled away. When we hit Stephenville I texted Charlie letting him know how far we were from Huckabay. He texted me the directions to his house. I found it easily and was greeted by the both of them. Charlie came to open my door while Bobby opened my mom's. They greeted one another while Charlie just hugged me. "Looks like the plan worked." He whispered. "Why?" I asked. "Because they were great friends in high school."

He wrapped an arm around me while Bobby led the way up to the door. I leaned my head against his shoulder. Charlie led me out back where he was grilling. I sat on the railing while watching him. "Excited for NFR?" He asked. "Are you kidding? An entire seven days straight of rodeoing." I said. "So how much of your family is going?" He asked. "My dad. He's taking some broncs. My mom might go. One thing I can say is that I'm not sharing a room with my parents." I said.

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