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I sat up on the railing watching. His partner was the guy that had came up to ask which steer it was. He was in the headers box. I hope Charlie gave him that tip. Charlie looked over at him before it was called. The guy got the head and one horn. Mostly good. The steer kicked his heels up like I said he would. Charlie caught the heels like I said to. They got a score! I almost fell off the rail in excitement. They came back through. Charlie came over and picked me up I wrapped my arms around his waist.

I kissed his neck. Once at the stall I got down and let him. He picked me up holding me against him. I grabbed his face kissing him. He let me kiss him. Cat calls and whistles rang out. We broke apart looking at who it was. A whole bunch of cowboys were whistling and calling out. Charlie set me down. His horse shoved us apart. We both were laughing. "Would you let me kiss you again?" He asked. I grabbed the front of his shirt kissing him again.

We both took care of his horses before bull riding was over. I took my chaps off and threw them onto the tack box. Charlie took my hand leading the way. I moved to his elbow. He kissed my cheek. We made it to a certain place. He stepped in behind me putting his arms around me. "Thank you for the advice on that steer." He said. I put my arms on his. "Looks like your partner either saw how the steer was going to move or he listened nearby." I said.

"He may have listened to my girlfriend instead of his roping partner." He said. The awards started with the first event. The woman's name was called. Then bareback. "Dallas Astrin." The Announcer said. Charlie squeezed me before letting me go in. I walked into the ring accepting the award. I've always competed with men and boys and have always played fair. "Due to misconduct with riggings during the last round Andrew Davidson is suspended from any rodeo before the Calgary Stampede." The announcer said.

"The winner of the tie down calf roping event is Charlie Mote." The announcer said. Charlie walked out and accepted his buckle. Then saddle bronc was not me this year. Charlie and his partner didn't get team roping, and some guy won bull riding. We got to take pictures with our buckles and a saddle won for our event. "If you'll carry the buckles I'll take the saddles to my trailer where I'll transport them for you to your house." Charlie whispered to me. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm absolutely sure sugar. We'll even go out to celebrate our wins." He said handing me his buckle. He heaved both saddles up carrying them. We walked out to his trailer letting him put them in. "If you don't mind, I'm going to load my tack up tonight so we can just sleep, load them up and leave tomorrow." He said. "You know I don't mind." I said. I followed him back in to get his tack. He grabbed his roping saddle and bridles.

"I can take those of you want to get the trunk." I said. "Sure you can handle it?" He asked. I took the bridles slinging them onto my shoulder before taking the saddle. I started walking. Him with the trunk behind me. "I could keep staring at you bottom, but that would be a sin wouldn't it?" He asked once at the trailer. I smirked. "You know I would." I said sliding the saddle onto the peg. I hung the bridles up before he wrapped his arms around me.

"I will never mind you staring at my butt." He whispered into my ear. "Would you like to go celebrate our buckle wins?" He asked taking my hat off. I looked up at him. "Depends on where." I said. "No alcoholic beverages, I'll make sure I don't drink if so." He said. "Promise?" I asked. "I haven't drank around you yet. Not until your comfortable with it and I'm not driving the next day." He said before kissing me.

He then led me to the passenger side of his truck opening the door. I got in and buckled. He went around and got in quickly before started it. It didn't take long for him to pull up to this place nearby. He jumped out hurrying around to open my door. I was already unbuckled and jumping out as soon as the door was open. He kissed my temple setting my hat back on my head. I held loosely onto his arm as we approached the doors.

He opened the door letting me walk in first then him. We were led to a two person booth seat and got sweet tea and an appetizer to share. Our food came. We both talked and ate almost half our food by the time some ropers came over to the table. They had the bad language and were drunk off their butts. "Guys. Guys." Charlie said getting their attention. They both looked at him.

"I'm kind of in the middle of dinner with my girl." He told them. "OH. CONGRATS ON THE WIN TONIGHT MAN! Happy for ya." The drunker of the two said. I looked over at Charlie. He shot me a glance as if saying 'I've got this don't worry.' I scooted closer to the side. He shot me another glance. "Hey. Um. Guys. I'm with my girlfriend. I'd like to enjoy the rest of my night with my favorite girl." He told them.

"Oh. Sure. We're no bother." The other said. "Seriously. I want a peaceful night with my girl without friends." He told them. I sent him a text. 'Could we take the rest of our meal to go?'
'If it will give us a peaceful night.' He texted back.
'Yes.' I sent him.

He called for the tab paying for it and getting two to go boxes. We put our food in the boxes before he said good night to the men and led me out. As soon as we both were in the truck he had his face in his hands. "Babe?" He looked over at me now resting on the steering wheel. "I didn't know they were going to be there. Especially since they were loud and obnoxious." He said. "It's not your fault babe. Any of the bronc guys could have came up to the table and said the same things to me. Either way we would have been sitting here." I said.

He scoffed. "Let's go back to the room enjoy the rest of our meal. Maybe most of the cowboys around us went to sleep after their one night stands." I said. He stifled a laugh. We got back and decided to eat the rest in the parking lot before going up to our room. We got showered and got into bed. The guy in the room to the right to our door was grunting followed by loud feminine yells. Charlie and I both chuckled.

"We tried." He said pulling me closer to him. "Hit the wall. That may stop them." I said. He did so them both stopping. Then started up again. We couldn't stop laughing. Even an hour after they stopped. Curse these paper thin walls!

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