Chapter 1

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Today was the day you would get to enter the ninja academy and be free from the constant abuse of the villagers, for a small period of time. You were grateful to be away from them. They would just attack you for no reason, few would even call you a demon, and you had no idea why.

(Flashback to a year ago,brought to you by the author's story magic)

You were running from countless villagers, who had started to come after you again. You thought to yourself as you ran "Why do the villagers come after me? I haven't done anything wrong, but that isn't what they think for some reason. They look at me like I am a menace and they have taken it upon themselves to exterminate me, continuing their endless assault.", and just as you look back, you see a kunai flying at you, but you move your arm out of the path of the kunai just as you start to run down an alley, just wanting to get away.

You keep running, until you step in a puddle and your foot slips out from under you, leaving you to slide a few feet and then hit a wall. And just as you open your eyes, you see that all the villagers that had been chasing you, had you backed into a dead end, with no escape.

 You cried out for help, knowing nobody will come to your aid, but hoping it will happen anyway. A villager then said "Calling out for help, now are we? You know nobody will come, so shut your trap.", just as he put a piece of tape over your mouth. 

Two other villagers had your arms and legs pinned to the wall, so there was no chance of escape. Suddenly, muffled screams pierce the air, for you had just been stabbed in the wrists by two kunai, one on each wrist, pinning your hands to the wall as tears stream down your face. They then stab one into your stomach, making you scream even louder when they started to twist it around.

 Surprisingly, you hear a voice in the back of your mind, saying "I can help you, just give me control for fifteen seconds.",so you let the voice take control, making your red eyes become a brighter red, a glowing red, but the villagers think it is just a trick of the sun so they think nothing of it.

But, their decision to ignore it, was the incorrect one. To the villagers' surprise, red and black smoke clouded around you, making gasps of shock and fear echo through the crowd. While they all backed away, the voice said "Brace yourself, this might be a bit bumpy.", you wondered what it meant, but had full understanding a second later, when your surroundings started to change.

You looked around, and to your surprise, the villagers were nowhere to be seen. In their place were three logs, propped upright while embedded into the soil. You wonder how you got here, and then remembered the voice in the back of your mind,just as you blacked out.

(Flashback end)

A tear went down your face as you remembered that day, the worst day of your life. But, that day had also led to you befriending the voice in your mind. It had claimed that it's name is Blake, and is your "demon" or whatever, you never understood that part.

Bringing you back from your thoughts,and startling you, the bell rang for the ninja academy's first class of the year. You got up from the wooden swing you were sitting on, which you sometimes saw a boy with blonde hair and an orange jumpsuit sitting on.

As you were walking toward the entrance, you said to yourself "Well, here goes nothing.", as you waked into the academy and toward the main classroom.

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