Chapter 2

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Edited by TenYearOdyssey

Edited by TenYearOdyssey

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Ava's POV

I run up to my room and do what any sane person would do when they find out they are getting married to a stranger. I plop onto my bed and, after grabbing my computer, I search up Thomas Wood. Instantly about a million search results pop up.

Various articles reveal that his middle name is Colton, he has three brothers, and apparently loves to bake. I flick over to the images and try not to gape. He's fucking gorgeous, with dark blond hair, a sharp jawline, high cheekbones, a perfect looking body, and ice-cold eyes.

He could be a model or a very hot prince. At least he's hot, though that won't matter if he's an asshole. I turn off my laptop.

Why doesn't my mom understand the concept of a realtionship and the fact she can't just sell her only daughter over.

I'm going to find a way out of this.

I know my mom told me to pack but I'm too tired, so being the lazy person I am, I just fall asleep.

A loud noise wakes me. I jump out of bed and crash to the ground. Looking over, I see it's my mom throwing pots and pans on the ground.

"What the hell mom," I say.

Noticing me on the ground she smiles. "Oh, good, Ava you're up. Get ready were leaving in thirty minutes."

I look around. My room is empty. There is nothing but the bed I just slept in.

I stand up in shock and ask, "Did you actually pack up everything?"

My mother lets out a twinkling laugh and says, "Of course not. The Royal family sent some workers to do it."

"Oh," is all I can say.

"Now get ready." My mother says handing me some clothes and a toothbrush.

Taking the clothes, I head to the bathroom. I put on a blue sweater, over a white shirt, and some black leggings. I quickly brush my teeth. Then, I look at myself. I look okay, except my hair is very frizzy. I try patting down the frizz with some water, but to no avail. I reach for a hair tie, resigned on a pony-tail for the day.

As I'm putting my hair up my hair tie snaps. Shit. That was literally my last one. Running to the kitchen, I grab a blue rubber band and use that to tie up my hair. It looks different and not in a good way but it's better than the way my hair looks down.

I find my mom in the empty living room, talking to some man dressed like a chauffeur.

She eyes me over and says, "You look like shit."

Used to this I just say, "Let's go."

My mom rolls her eyes and pulls me out of the house. A limo is waiting in front of our driveway.

I sigh, "Do we seriously have to go in a limo?"

The driver replies before my mom can, "Yes, considering you are engaged to the crown prince and you will be queen one day."

I try not to laugh at the thought of me being queen.

Finally, we arrive at the palace, my jaw drops open. The estate is beautiful, with marble tiles, cream walls, fountains, and gardens. It looks like something out of a movie, except this is real life.

I hesitatingly step out if the limo and my mother follows me. As soon as we're both out, she pulls me into a hug. "Aren't you excited?" She asks, "I'm so excited."

"Yeah," I reply even though I feel more sick than excited.

A quick image of me puking on the prince's feet flashes through my mind. I hold back a grimace. Puking on the prince's feet probably won't be a good idea. I rub a soothing hand over my stomach and try to not worry about nausea building up.

My mom squeezes me one more time then basically drags me into the palace. As soon as I step one foot inside, we are approached by a maid. She quickly bows to me while I stand there, unsure of what to do, then hands me a shimmering blue dress and shoots me a quick smile.

"Thank you," my mother says curtly as the maid leaves.

Then she turns to me and says, "Go put the dress on. We are meeting the Royal family for lunch."

My eyebrows shoot up at the news. "Will I see Thomas?"

My mother smiles and says, "Yes, so try to look nice and...not like you usually do. First impressions do matter."

As usual, I say, "Yes mother."

"Good. Now, come on. I shall take you to Thomas's room, you two will be sharing it." My mother says.

"Why can't I have my own room," I mumble.

My mother smirks and says, "Because, sharing a room - and a bed - with Thomas will help you grow closer to your fiancé."

I smack my head and say, "But I don-"

Cutting me off, my mother says, "No buts, now come along."

I trail behind her as she leads me to my room. Thomas's room. Our room.

"Here we are. Now, go change." My mother says, pushing me into the room.

I enter the room warily and find a king size bed, some pictures of Thomas and his family, and some more furniture.

"The bathroom's that way," my mother says pointing to it.

I go in there and quickly change into my dress. I actually look nice. I admire myself in the mirror for a moment. I leave the bathroom, careful not to catch the dress on the doorframe.

My mother's eyes roam over me. "Wow, you look decent."

"Thank you," I mutter.

My mom nods and says, "Come, let's go."

I follow her to what I assume is the dining room. The palace is much bigger than our house. Well, my old house. God, I haven't even been away for more than two hours and I miss my house. Everything was so familiar, so full of memories.

I walk into the dining room and see the whole royal family sitting there.

"Ahem," my mother says making everyone look at us.

I slowly walk to the table, the queen points to a chair and says, "Why don't you sit there, darling."

Giving her a small smile I sit down only to realize that I am sitting next to Thomas. I gaze at him and find myself unable to look away. He's dressed casually in a blue shirt and black pants. He's not what I had expected, he looks even better than the pictures I saw of him.

I break away from my thoughts to realize he's staring at me too.

"Hello," he says, breaking the silence.

My cheeks turn red and I reply, "Hi."

Authors note
Just want to say thanks for reading this.

Remember to




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