Chapter 2

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~Still the flashback~

She was breathing very fast and was sweating. Tears started to well on her eyes, but managed to keep her eyes open without flinching, nor budging.

But that was just for a while, until Colin stood up and faced her.

She thought he would avoid her eyes, but it didn't happen.

However, the atmosphere could have been cut by a knife, and everyone was looking at them. Not because they've spotted their idols (which for Jen and Colin was better) but for seeing to people standing up in the way of a waiter, who was trying to make them aware he wanted to keep going.

Someone caughed and, finally, Jen and Colin noticed and apologized.

The waiter growled and kept going.

They sat, avoiding each other.

-"The check, please", Colin called out after a waitress.

They got out of the starbucks, and both of them didn't know what to say.

Jen, after a long uncomfortable silence, spoke up:

-"Ummmmm, so, are you going to tomorrow's dinner?"

Colin froze on his tracks. What he was least expecting was her to pretend nothing happened and just play along, as usual, though that night wasn't very normal we could say.

Despite of that, perceiving how uneasy she was, he decided to do the same thing.

But, in spite of it, he sighed, which didn't go unnoticed to Jen.

-"Yeah, how would I miss it?", he smiled somehow forced to her.

He seemed disappointed and Jen know or thought she knew why it could be and felt horrible because she truly loved him and cared and thought what had happened just a while ago was wrong.

She would have prefered not to talk about it, but got to the conclusion it wouldn't be fair.

So, she stopped walking, and so did Colin.

It was already nightime, around 11PM, and there was fullmoon.

Thousands of thoughts, ideas and ways to sort everything out and excuse herself were all going through her head at that moment (because she had broken the distance to kiss him, so she blamed herself), and she was a huge mess.

Colin was still uneasy, but noticed Jen was as well. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear sweetly, as he always did when wanting to comfort her.

-"You know, I'm tired of walking, maybe we could go look for a bench?", he suggested.

Her eyes beamed and she genuily smiled, and couldn't help but hug him tight.

-"Mmmmokaymmmm", she whispered to her ear.

Colin got shivers, kissed her on the cheek and breathed in.

Once they were sat on a bench, Jen laid her head on her shoulder.

Everything had seemed to have gone back to normal. They usually were like that all the time(they held hands, hugged, give sometimes kisses on the cheek...etc). Jen now felt more relaxed. She inhaled her scent, and moved away.

-"Colin, I owe you an explanation".

Colin didn't answer. He was just listening to her, although at times getting distracted with her hair and her eyes.

I can't hide it anymore ~ Colifer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now