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Carefully picking her up in his arms, knowing he had to tend to her wounds he slid past their discussion. Barely able to hear their conversation.

"Gates," she croaked out as her vocal cords were collapsing under the pressure. Everest halting before descending the basement stairs. "Gates? We were correct?" The accented voice now showing interest after Lilith nodded, "be in my study, 5 minutes. Understood?"

"I got the information Orpheus," the sound of her pleading, confused voice making Everest smile. Knowing even though she was able to get things done, Orpheus still was uninterested and it was truly what she deserved for being so vile. "You returned my property damaged, despite your clear orders to return her unharmed. Yet here she is: unconscious and tattered. Therefore, you will be punished accordingly just as Kali and Everest already have been," his incredibly calmly stated sentence making Everest flinch at his shared experience in the black room with Kali.

Not wanting a repeat he sprinted down the stairs and down the corridor. As he assessed the damage on the shower area floor. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Spinning around he saw faint red eyes. "Here are her new clothes, shower her, heal her and let her get rest before this evening."

"Yes sir," Everest nodded as Orpheus left as silently and quickly as he appeared. Like a ghost, he vanished and the only sign of his presence being away was the sound of the door slamming.

Looking down at her limp form, it reminded him of when he knocked her out just a day before. A lot has happened and he wondered when she would finally break.

Obviously it'll take more than a day, but how long?

Turning the water on he sat her down on the dirty tile, not caring if he got wet. Kneeling in front of her, he let the water soak her hair. With somewhat solemn eyes, he watched as more of her gorgeous black curls fell with the water and poured into the drain: clogging it. The missing hair unnoticeable from her thick head of hair.

Once they stopped falling he rinsed her still open wounds clean. Then he began licking, starting off with her chin and cheeks, the clear fingernail cuts deep within her flesh. He watched as her skin began reconnecting, not leaving any scarring.

Unknowingly running his thumb across her bottom lip he began wondering what it would be like if he had kissed her when he was told to.

He pictured the sensation of his lips touching her plump ones...

Those thoughts and feelings making him uneasy as he let her fall onto the floor and he stepped away from her. He stood still underneath the shower as it soaked all of his clothes. There was something about her that wasn't normal or natural. She couldn't have been just a human because there was nothing truly extraordinary about her. He had seen women much more beautiful than her and he had no interest at all. All he knew how to feel was pain and anger.

Yet here she was, unconscious and still affecting him.

He was being gentle.

Closing his eyes, the water began soaking his hair and running down his face. As if coaxing him to continue his duties. Refocusing, he kneeled before her and gathered her up in his arms. His head blocking her face from aspirating on any water.

Slowly Orion began to wake up, her head and skull throbbing, extremely tender from what happened.

Blinking slowly everything was once again hazy but she could hear the distinct sound of water hitting tile. He knew she was awake from her heart rate increasing as fear seeped through her pores. His nostrils being filled with the scent of her fear, although she'd never admit to being afraid, she had no idea he could faintly smell it every time she felt it.

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