The thought of doing such things with a vampire for just pleasure, let alone the one who kidnapped her, shouldn't be so vivid in her mind, or so hot. Snatching it out of his hold, she shook her head to get her sanity back. Slowly, she began taking steps to back away from him, "we both know that's not what I meant at all... bloodsucker."

Before he could fire back, the door opened and Everest used his speed to lock her cell door and sprint up the stairs, out of the cell block. Huffing she plopped down onto the concrete slab of a bed. The clicking of heels let her know it was most likely a female.

As suspected she was right, shimmering blue black hair glistened underneath the faint sliver of moonlight that spilled in. Kali stood outside her cell with a dangerous glint in her brown eyes as she stared her down.

Walking towards the cell door she examined her fairly skimpy outfit.

After a long time of awkward glaring, Orion decided to break the silence. "What is it with vampires and objectifying women amiright?" Orion inquired, hoping to grant herself some escape plans by getting under her skin. Lilith and Kali seemed to be the most temperamental when it came to herself. She saw it as a weakness and an opportunity.

Neither of the strongest vampires were here and her guard dog was not even in the same room.


Her conscience repeated inside her head.

"How dare you even think to speak to me?" Kali spat at her.


The hatred and anger boiling up inside as Kali stepped forward itching to rip her throat out. Her face contorting into a wicked grin as she pictured it, making Orion skeptical."Yeah, yeah, I'm disrespectful," an eyebrow raising as she watched Kali's face emote everything she pictured inside her mind, "penny for your thoughts?"

"You really wanna know?" Kali's voice began to raise as she portrayed her sharp, long stiletto nail. Lowering it to the ancient, rusty locks level and worked to pick it. It managed to stay in tact as she fought to unlock the door.

"I thought about shoving a knife in the back of your skull as you did my brother, then while your blood is gushing from the wound I'd lick some," the door slowly opened as it scraped against the old concrete. Orion stood up from the bed and backed away and nodded to play along. "Knowing you'd be unable to move but still alive. I'd use your blood as energy to be able to reach down your throat and grab your esophagus. Pulling all of your digestive organs out through your mouth," Orion's eyebrows now touching her hairline, not expecting such a vividly described encounter from someone like her.

"That's a little excessive, don't ya think?" an awkward smile formed as Kali stepped even closer. Reaching up in her hair she sifted through her hair to find one of the lost silver bobby pins. Her curls the perfect hiding place for small objects.

Slamming back against the wall she felt for anything with the bobby pin in hand. "No escape," Kali smiled as she licked her now descended fangs, "I'm sure my punishment would be more than worth it knowing you're long gone." Displaying her deadly teeth with a loud hiss, she lounged only to be stabbed in the eye by the bobby pin. Her screeches mixed with the faint, familiar sizzle making a proud grin appear on Orion's face as she used a shaking hand to find the bobby pin and pry it out before it did anymore damage. Struggling with her long sharp nails, she kept doing more damage to the small muscle.

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