03: ❝... that makes you princess peach! ❞

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❝... that makes you princess peach! ❞


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april 3rd, 4:12 p.m.
brrring brrring.

call accepted

"this is the muffin man, how can I—"

"you know, what you said yesterday wasn't very nice."

"oh, gosh. it's you again."

"it's ah-me, mario!"

"you seriously need to stop calling. my job is on the line."

"if i'm mario... that makes you princess peach!"

"okay, i'm hanging up."

"wait! don't."

"why not? you're not calling for cupcakes, or creme puffs, or donuts."

"mario would buy a donut if he had money, but mario is broke. sorry, peaches."

"oh, heck to the naw. there are no peaches here, just delicious sweets and desserts. so if you're ever going to call again, make sure you have money and an order. good day."

* b e e p  b e e p *

call ended

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"she can be princess daisy, then.  i've always shipped daisy and mario more, anyway."
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"fudgesicles. peaches are sweet."
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[a/n]: three chapters in one day. whoop. hope you like!! tell me what you think here~

hope you guys had a nice day.

~emma ♡

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