02: ❝-because i think you're lacking vitamin me.❞

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❝—because i think you're lacking vitamin me.❞

lowercase intended.

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april 2nd, 3:37 p.m.
brrring brrring.

call accepted

"hello, this is the muffin man. what would you like to order?"

"have you been to the doctor's lately?"

"no, i haven't, but i should go there soon, actually—wait! you're the guy from yesterday!"

"—because i think you're lacking vitamin me."

"yep, you're definitely the guy who prank-called me yesterday. i remember how bad your pick up lines are. you suck."

"what!? no, they're not! and i don't suck!"

"yes, they are, and yes, you suck. stop calling me."

"i am offended."

"as you should be. The Muffin Man would like to bid you goodbye forever, and no thank you for your service."

"wait a minute—!"

* b e e p  b e e p *

call ended

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"she totally digs me."
➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽

[a/n]: idk why im even doing this but it's kind of fun so why not? hope you like~

~emma ♡

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