{Ch. Six}

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The boys had started playing again and LaVar took me to this room to talk to me.

LaVar- Girrll. You lucky ain't no reporters was around to see that damn fight. Now, What do you wanna do?

Kailela- Nothing really. The game is almost over and I'm pretty sure I'm not bleeding anymore.

LaVar- Melo's playing better. Thanks to you. What did you say to him?

Kailela- To just start dunking.

Denise came in the room and looked at me.

Denise- The game is over. We won. The boys wanted to go out to the mall.

Kailela- Okay.

Denise- Come on. I wanna change real quick.

I hopped off the table and walked towards Denise. She handed me my bag.

Izzy- Everybody else is outside, waiting for LaVar. We're just gonna go to the hotel and change. The boys already changed and they're gonna meet us there.

Denise- What are we waiting for then?

We started walking outside with LaVar behind us. Melo was talking to Quan, looking daddyish. I walked up to him and he hugged me.

Kailela- I'll see you at the mall.

Melo- Ight. I love you.

Kailela- Love you too.

I had to get on my tippy toes to kiss him. I heard O weird ass say aw. Denise had brought the rental car around and I got in the backseat.


At the hotel, I changed into a tank top with a flannel around my waist and vans. I looked good as hell.

We'd been at the mall for thirty minutes now. The boys don't know we're here, so they've been waiting for us.

But I got bags from Footlocker, Champs, and Forever 21. Izzy and Denise had similar bags. Right now we were on our way to the Food Court.

I spotted Melo's blonde hair. We were across from the food court. I know they seen us.

Denise- Oh. My. Gosh.

Izzy- What?

Denise- Victoria's Secret and Pink are having a sale!!!

All three of us were obsessed with the brand. So we all ran to the stores, which were right next to each other.


I was on my phone in the food court, We'd been waiting on the girls for about fourty five minutes now.

Eli- Oh my gosh. Where the hell are these damn girls?

Quan- You know they take a while to get ready.

Don squinted his eyes to across the food court. We looked to where he looked and I seen Izzy.

Don- I know these girls do not have bags in their hands already.

They stopped walking until they started  running inside Victoria's Secret and Pink. Ten minutes later, Denise FaceTimed me.

Melo- What do you want?

Denise- Put the camera where I can see everyone.

I followed what she did and all you could see was Denise's forehead.

Denise- Yoo. Melo, Gelo. Come get your girls.

Gelo- What they do?

She flipped the camera and I seen Lela and Izzy looking at bikini's. Workers were bringing different ones out.

Melo- Bruhh. Tell Lela to get out that store or I'm beating her ass.

She yelled what I told her to and Lela looked at the camera, and started walking to the camera.

Kailela- Bet. Watch me walk to the register.

Denise hung up and like fifteen minutes later, they all walked out wth bags.

Zo- What the hell did you buy?

Denise- Don't worry about it.

Lela took a seat next to me and handed me a bag. It said "custom cases".

Melo- What is this?

Kailela- Just open the bag and find out.

I gave her a stank face before opening the bag. It was a case of a picture her and I took together.

Izzy- Awww.

Zo- How come you can't be like that?

Denise- I am, you just don't notice.


Melo and I were walking around the mall. Mostly everybody split up. We had went together.

Melo- Are you going with us to the beach tomorrow?

Kailela- I don't know. Do you want me too?

Melo- Well, Duhh. This would be our first time at the beach as a couple. All the other times we went as friends.

Kailela- True.

Melo- I like you beat Ashley's ass earlier. I was proud.

Kailela- Really?

Melo- Yeah.

Kailela- Hold on, I gotta go pee.


Lela went into the bathroom. A couple girls came up to me and asked for a picture. The girl was sitting mad close.

She put her lips near my cheek and I moved my neck as far as I could. Lela came out as soon as they left.

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