Chapter 17: Rest and Resolutions

Start from the beginning

"Don't let her beat you!" Jaune cheered, "You can do it! Come on!"

"You can do this!" Ren added, "Show them what Team JNPR's made of!"

"C'mon, sis!" Ruby exclaimed, "Aw, you can't lose to a girl in a skirt!"

"You wear a skirt, Ruby," Weiss replied.

Ruby just shook Weiss, who was still frowning, but now looked like she was trying to hold back a smile, "Weiss, you're not cheering loud enough!!"

"It definitely feels like the original," Nora strained, but refused to give an inch, "I'll give you that!"

"Yep," Yang grinned, "But, it does have some new features!"

Nora scoffed, "Oh yeah?"

Suddenly, a robotic sound was heard coming from Yang's arm, and Nora was knocked back to the wall, holding Yang's detached arm in her hand. Nora groaned in pain while the others looked on in concern, except for Yang, who had a smug grin on her face.

"Did she... win?" Dante asked.

As Nora came to, she realized she was holding Yang's robotic arm, causing her to scream and throw it away from her and at its owner. Yang laughed as she caught her arm. Dinner wrapped up, Jaune helping clean up the dishes.

"Gyah... We ate it all..." he said, picking up the pot holding all the bowls, "Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick..."

"Easy there, Vomit Boy," Skyler teased, "I believe in you."

"Oh, we're doing nickname throwbacks now," Jaune replied sarcastically, walking away with the dishware in his hands, "Wonderful."

Weiss giggled, but Nora responded to that, saying, "I mean, the Ice Queen seems to like it."

Weiss stopped giggling while Ruby burst into laughter at Nora's remark. But Weiss smiled nonetheless and rolled her eyes.

"I so did not miss you people," she replied.

Nora gasped, "Oh my gosh, she really does like it! What went and warmed your heart while you were gone?"

"Hey!" Weiss exclaimed, "You make it sound like I used to be terrible."

"Nah," Hazel retorted, "Just a lot to deal with it once."

Weiss scoffed and Hazel playfully stuck her tongue out at her old rival. Walker then spoke up.

"Not to ruin the joke," he said, "But I think she's heard enough of the nickname and teasing from me on our plane ride over here."

"Speaking of which," Dante said to his partner, "I had noticed the new Atlas-like getup. And a pilot? What happened?"

Walker proceeded to tell them his tale, all the way from getting back to his family, getting a job as a cargo pilot, reuniting with Weiss, and finally to where he was where they were when Yang and Dante inadvertently helped bust them out of Raven's camp.

When he was done, Dante grinned, "Look at you, going and becoming a working member of society! Now I just feel bad for doing nothing but watch Yang mope."

Yang gave her friend a stink eye, "I prefer to think of that as 'going through physical and emotional rehab'."

"Tomato, tomahto," he waved off, "I'm not mocking what you went through, but my gods, woman, you were an edgelord and a half even after you put on the arm. I was scared you were gonna end up a Karen."

Skyler winced, "Don't ever say imply Yang becoming so disturbing ever again..."

Walker chuckled a bit before saying, "I've missed this. Before Weiss showed up, all relationships I've had with other people have been strictly professional. I'm glad to see that we haven't let our experiences change us negatively."

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