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Cao Cao曹操 – (155-220 A.D) was a military strategist, politician and poet whose adventures have been much popularised in a series of novels “Romance of Three Kingdoms”. He was marvelled for being a master of both literature and the sword.  Records of him detailed a crafty war tactician who also excelled in the arts. He was known to treat his allies as family and was merciless with his enemies. Interestingly Cao Cao is often depicted as a brutal tyrant; however, he was praised for his brilliance as a ruler. Due to such unscrupulous depictions Cao Cao in modern times, can be used as the Chinese equivalent of the English saying “Speak of the Devil”…(and he arrives).

草(Cao) In FYJT, Feng Ming addresses Rong Tian as “Cao Cao”, which confuses the man as it sounded like Feng Ming was calling him grass twice.


As the excruciating pain of being strangled subsided, numbness quickly inched in.

Around him the intense atmosphere gradually calmed down.

Feng Ming’s eyes flickered wide open, blood surging through his brain.

Death’s voice had welcomed the young man when he had once again dangled too close to the end of his life’s thread.

It was at that very moment Rong Wang decided to release his vice-like grip around his delicate throat.

The pair of large cruel hands slowly retracted from the slender neck.

Expressionless, the tyrant watched Feng Ming’s mass sink into the depths of the water. Almost immediately, the young man’s survival instincts triggered. His weak hands sought desperately to grasp onto the edge of the pool to stabilize his body.

Droplets of water poured from Feng Ming’s face which was painted with confusion.

In past this type of meaningless cruelty had often been inflicted upon the Prince, even to the point where the body would submit and cry for mercy.

Even so, it was a barbaric to method to employ such a shameful technique on another just to demonstrate one’s own dominance.

Dark sharp eyes quietly observed the blank-faced Feng Ming, as he met with those familiar pair of eyes, Rong Tian had a discovery. As if a precious jewel that had gone unnoticed was unearthed, sending his own heart to race.

What is happening?

The usual prince carried himself as stupid, introverted and a largely disgraceful excuse for a Prince whom no one acknowledged. Why does he emit such a strange aura now? What happened to the regular groveling submissions and begs for mercy?

This new situation was appealing to Rong Tian’s amusement. He decided to shelf his cold approach for the moment and instead deciding to close the distance between him and Feng Ming. He lifted the chin of the younger man, allowing him to clearly study the boy’s face.

There was no doubt about the Prince’s familiar face that his own peered down onto. Sadly, looking at the Prince could only rally the thoughts of how pathetically worthless he was aside from the astounding beauty he possessed. A beauty that could be admired but served no purpose one could akin the Prince to the delicate and elaborate art that decorate pillows.

Upon the naked body was evidence of his marks, welts and lash traces of a few days old. The image of the cowardly Prince cowering pitifully freshly played into Rong Tian’s mind.

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