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主观能动性 Subjective motivation – To strive for victory by taking initiative in your own hands.

Sun Wu/Sun Zi- Was a high ranking military general and strategist in the 6th century B.C.

Sun Zi’s “Art of War” is the oldest military treatise book it consists of thirteen chapters which thoroughly explains tactics and theories in war. Each chapter is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and is still read for its military insights. Interestingly, a lot of its theories are still applied in modern day warfare and even businesses seek guidance in its wisdom. I know that during the Vietnam war, the generals of the Vietnam side were avidly employing tactics that they read from the Art of War to hold out their defense against the Americans.


Rong Wang kept his promise and sure enough took Feng Ming out horse riding the next day.

When Feng Ming spotted White Cloud, he became ecstatic and was practically dancing with joy.

After a few laps of shared riding with Rong Wang, the Prince was beginning to get more familiar with his newly learnt skill so Feng Ming demanded to ride White Cloud alone.

“Impossible, you haven’t grasped the basic skills of horsemanship, how could you ride White Cloud by yourself?”


With much scorn, Feng Ming glared accusingly at the King.

“Last night, who said I was capable and gallant, I am able to do anything and simply a genius?” 

Replying coyly Rong Wang offered the truth, “It was make you happy, as the Crowned Prince, how can you take others flattery seriously?”

“You tricked me again!” Feng Ming hurled back in a fit of anger, before twisting his body to face away from the man, bitter with his indignation.

Two bodies were both situated on the horse’s back, due to the close proximity of their shared seating their bodies couldn’t help but met, tightly.

As Feng Ming suddenly moved his body, brushing unknowingly against the king, he immediately triggered a response of arousal from Rong Tian.

Within moments, something had awakened beneath him, an extremely harden length infiltrated the compact space between the two men, scaring Feng Ming to the point the blood drained from his face.

He didn’t dare to move a fraction, choosing to stay cemented.

“I warned you not to thrash about.” Rong Wang’s chest was heaving slightly as he was trying to maintain himself. However, the language in his eyes was saying otherwise, as they were burning with a fervent flame when they bore into Feng Ming.

The attendants that were in the near distance didn’t seem to be aware what was happening.

Feng Ming could feel the heat radiating from Rong Wang’s member, it was scorching and obvious that lust was pulsing through the other man’s heart. 

Feng Ming could only bring up images of newspapers that reported violent rape cases. With those thoughts he couldn’t help a sickly numbness that started to spread from his head downwards.

He asked in a soft voice, “I’ll be obedient and get off the horse, when you’ve settled down a bit you can dismount, all right?”

The King’s crotch was pitched up high and noticeable, if he dismounted parading himself, he would completely lose his precious idol status and his credibility with his people.

Phoenix of the Nine Heavens - Feng Yu Jiu Tian Where stories live. Discover now