"Wait a minute!"

I think at that moment my palm gained an unusual magnetic attraction to my forehead. My palm met with my forehead over and over again repeatedly. "Phew, I'm glad I didn't bite my tongue up there." Soma said to me as he stopped in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "What the hell was that? Now you have the whole school out for your head!" I say in his face, loudly. "I don't understand what you mean? My speech was worth an A+ if I do say so myself." "Geez, How dense can one person get." I muttered under my breath. We then walked into the tent with me still facepalming.

"Oh... Hey! You're the one from the exam!" Soma exclaimed. I open my eyes to see the person who kicked me out. "Uh, your name is Nakia Emika, right?" I asked tilting my head to the side slightly. She looked at the both of us taken aback. "That was really nerve-wracking, isn't that right Sai-chan?" He asked me. "I thought my heart was gonna burst right out of my chest." I say and went to one of the chairs to sit down. "Did we look weird by any chance Nakia-san?" I ask her. "Who cares about that?! Why are you here? And my name is Nakiri Erina, better remember it!" she exploded, the last sentence mainly directed towards me.

"Why? We wouldn't have come here if we didn't receive acceptance letters, would we?" I say to Nakiri-san while pulling out my acceptance letter to show her. At the same time, Soma also pulled out his. "Man, you really scared us both to death when you didn't eat Sai-chan's dish and called mine disgusting. If you thought it was good you should've said so." Soma said to her in a relaxed tone, completely ignoring the fact that she was yelling before.

She looked down at the floor for a few seconds before looking back up at us. While flipped her hair and it a floated gently on the breeze.

"I'll say one thing! I still have not accepted you both, nor your cooking! This is a mistake alright? You guys came here to Totsuki because there was a mistake!" she said a smile etched on her face, "Don't make me laugh, everyone who's been a student since junior high has been learning advance gastronomy. I can already tell that a transfer students like you wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of beating them!"

With that, she walked passed us without making eye contact. "Three years in junior high, huh..." Soma said, still facing the other way. I stood up from where I was sitting and say, "Just saying, we both held a kitchen knife at the age of three. We've been living in the kitchen ever since for the past twelve years." Soma then turned around to face Nakir-san with a smile and I did the same. "We can't let you smear mud on our restaurant's name by leaving after you said my cooking's disgusting." He said.

"Just you wait, Nakiri Erina! We'll make you say 'delicious!'" I say to her.

"We'll use everything we've got in our cooking weaponry." He finished for me.

We both look right into Nakiri-san's eyes with determination. A few cherry blossoms were blowing gently in the breeze.

The entrance ceremony had finally finished and everyone was filing out of the area where the entrance ceremony was held. As we were walking I could hear people here and there talking about my brother's speech. Some were compliments in some sort of way but most insults or

"Well, that was some transfer student."

"I'll kill him!"

"You might need an attitude like that to survive at this academy."

I suddenly heard something that caught my attention.

"The girl transfer student though. She seems really nervous."

"I don't think she would be that capable in the kitchen."

'How dare they say that about me?!' I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way to the two people that were talking about. When I was right behind the both of them, I whispered into their ears, "Do you mind saying that again~." A loud high pitched scream erupted from their throat and they probably jumped a few metres into the air. "Y-You!" they both exclaimed at the same time and pointed a finger at me. I gave them the most innocent smile I could give while being pissed off. "Didn't anyone teach you that pointing is rude?" I tilted my head to the side a little and cracked my knuckles. "I will also teach you that talking about someone behind their back is also considered rude in human society. Unless you are worth less than a normal human." "W-WE'RE SORRY!" they both shouted. But before running off like a cheetah out on the savannah planes to capture their prey, they bowed so deep that their heads would've touched the floor if they moved a centimeter lower.

Once they disappeared, I realized that there was complete silence around me. The murmurs started to appear.

"Woah, did you see that?"

"She's scary."

"Was she just acting like a shy girl on stage?"

"Shhh, you're so loud. She'll hear you."

Everyone who froze to stare at me started to walk again, still talking about me as if I couldn't hear them. A light pink colour dusted my cheeks just a bit. Everyone now wouldn't come within two meters of me. I try to ignore the stares I was receiving as I continued my way to my first class.

So much for making new friends... 


Author's Note:

I am so inconsistent when it comes to updating.......

Hopefully, I can write more after exams are over and maybe edit some of my past chapters!

Please comment, vote and share any suggestions you might have!

(Word Count: 1550)     (25th November 2017)

- Vina

A Dish That's yet to be Served [Shokugeki no Soma Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now