Chapter 1

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Chapter 1;
The First Day

  Yoongi walked into the dance studio, only to be met with the two boys from yesterday yet another boy joined them. Luckily he already knew all three. He smiled slightly once he saw Jimin and the other boy, Hoseok, leave Taehyung alone. This was his chance to talk to him.

"Hey babe," he cooed, wrapping his arms around the boys waist. He sensed when Taehyung tense up and then relax once again after realizing who it was.

"Wow, you're really good at acting," Taehyung commented, leaning back into Yoongi. Yoongi only hummed and nodded, staring at Jimin.

"Oh? Yoongi and Taehyung? That's a weird duo," Hoseok said as he and Jimin walked over to the boys. Yoongi could feel his heart beat increase rapidly when he saw Jimin's luscious smile.

Taehyung smiled. "Yeah, well you know what they say. Opposites attract," he continued to smile, waiting for Hoseok to finally understand what he meant. Yoongi gripped tighter onto Taehyung's waist, making it even more obvious.

"No way!" He said. Hoseok looked back and forth between Taehyung and Yoongi, only to see their smiles. Their happy smiles. "Whoa, congratulations guys!"

"Wait, what?" Now Jimin spoke up. He looked back and forth between the two boys, not understanding anything.

"Yoongi and Taehyung are dating!" Hoseok said, patting them both on the back. Jimin gasped and looked at Taehyung, wanting to see if it was true or if he getting pranked. Taehyung nodded and smiled brightly, letting Jimin know he was telling the 'truth'.

"When the hell did this happen? Taehyung why didn't you tell me?! And you never even told me you had  a crush!" Jimin pouted, making Yoongi internally coo at the sight. His grip on Taehyung's waist became tighter and tighter by the minute, making Taehyung start gasping for air.

"B-babe.. stop," he gasped. "Yoongi!" Once he heard his name being called, he released his arms and quickly apologized.

"Babe I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Yoongi wasn't actually worried, he just felt the need to fake it in front of Jimin. Taehyung nodded and tried to calm down his coughing fit.

"So, mind telling me how this happened?" Jimin asked again, eyeing Taehyung out of worry.

"Well," Taehyung started. "It happened yesterday after you left the café. Yoongi came over to me and said how he was watching me from afar and fell in love with me. Secretly, I️ had feelings for him too and bam! Now we're a couple," Yoongi didn't know Taehyung could lie so well.

"Awww, you guys are so cute!" Jimin cooed. Taehyung muttered a small thank you and walked off with Hoseok, leaving Yoongi and Jimin alone. Yoongi saw Taehyung turn around and wink at him before starting the dance Hoseok taught him.

"So," Jimin spoke. He turned towards Yoongi, his eyes narrowed at him. Yoong could feel himself tremble at the piercing gaze. "Let me say this once and only once. If you ever hurt Taehyung, I won't hesitate to cut your throat open." Jimin smiled once more before walking away, leaving Yoongi alone with his thoughts.

That wasn't supposed to happen at all, Yoongi thought.


Taehyung snickered when Yoongi told him what Jimin said. "Yeah, that's Jimin for you,"

Yoongi smirked, "It just makes me want him even more," Taehyung bit his lip to prevent himself to say anything he shouldn't, although it was hard to.

"So, everybody is going to the amusement park tomorrow and I was wondering if you were available to come," Yoongi spoke up, not looking at Taehyung.

"Is this your way of asking me out on a date?" Taehyung smiled, feeling his stomach do multiple flips at the thought.

"No!" Yoongi protested. "This is only to show Jimin that I'm a good boyfriend," Taehyung's smiled only faltered for a split second before smiling once again and taking Yoongi's hand in his. Yoongi scowled and quickly snatched his hand away, promising himself that Jimin will be the only person he holds hands with.

"We're not around them anymore, you don't need to hold my hand." He sneered at Taehyung. Taehyung nodded, keeping his smile on.


end of chapter uno!!! yay!!! anywayyy i will hopefully put up another chapter tonight, if not... then tomorrow????? idk man

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