Improvement shots

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Anybody who has ever been to school with me or spent a large amount of time with me since year 7 knows I draw eyes fucking everywhere

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Anybody who has ever been to school with me or spent a large amount of time with me since year 7 knows I draw eyes fucking everywhere. I draw in the back of school books, on tables and on worksheets and just about anywhere. And I've gotten quite good at it.

Above top is an eye I drew on the back of a newspaper handout in history, year 7. Above middle is an eye I drew a few months ago, year 9 on a bit of a4 paper because I was bored or something. Above bellow is an eye I drew on my maths table because I couldn't be fucked to do the work ( we only work from textbooks anyway, it's shitty ) Before I had to run it out at the end of the day. It smudged like shit, and a few lessons ago sir was talking about graffiti on the tables and I was just .. yeah

Cathy always baits me out for signing stuff when I draw eyes cus she says you can't sign them if they're on the back of history worksheets and that they're shit.

This is a weird post, Thanks, Byee

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