Chapter 10: Love!?

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Kazumi's p.o.v:

Ever since that talk with Akashi-Kun, I didn't have the courage to go to him. Every time I'd see him, I'd freeze up and go the opposite direction with Mayu-chan if possible. It's just that every time my heart keeps beating faster when I see him or if someone mentions his name. "Ne, Kazumi why do you keep avoiding Akashi-kun?" Mayu-chan asked me which was a surprise.

"I-I wasn't a-avoiding him you B-Baka!" I replied stuttering. Mayu-chan began snickering as if she found my reply amusing. "I see now, you like him don't you?" She whispered in my ear. This caused me to tense up and make my face go red as a tomato.

She started laughing hysterically as we went into class. Kaoru was sitting alone finally with no one next to him which I took the opportunity to go to him. "Hey Kao..."

"Kaoru let's have lunch together!", a girl interrupted me rudely. In fact she was the one who asked Akashi-kun to have lunch with before. "Sure!" He replied with an amused look directed at me which caused me to frown a little.

I went back to my seat when Akashi-kun passed by me, "good morning Kazumi."
"G-Good morning A-Akashi-kun", I replied nervously. What felt like an absolute embarrassment, I just laughed rather cheekily to avoid suspicion which luckily he fell for it.

Are these what people call feelings? Do I have some sort of belonging with Akashi-kun?

After class had finished, I rushed as quick as I could to the library and logged on the computer and searched for these weird symptoms occurring to me.

The one answer that kept coming up was 'Love'

I feel like I'm at a dead end and I don't know what to do. Inside, I feel happy I like him yet sad that he's not mine; it makes me feel lonely and hollow without him.

"Kazumi, are you ok? You seemed rather startled at the end of class" , Akashi-Kun said suprusing me with his sudden appearance in which I reacted by deleting the tab immediately from the computer.

"Huh? Ermm... I had a lot of things in my head , that's all", I replied honestly after all I can't stop thinking of him. 

"I see," he replied, "but what were you searching up that you had to delete so quickly when I came. I hope your not keeping any secrets away from me Kazumi." A sadistic smirk formed on his lips which made my cheeks go a faint pink.

Just hearing him mention my name and seeing that usual smirk makes me filled with joy but right now I feel like cornered prey of his. "Oh, nothing important but I have to go home and finish off this assignment so I'll see you tomorrow." I lied and walked out of the library In a fast pace before he said anything.

On my way home, I saw a cardboard box left on the empty streets which peaked my interest. I heard soft meowing and a little white kitten sat there alone, cold and left to live on its own. I grabbed the cat and took it with me.

This kitten reminded me of myself. Alone. It had no one and doesn't trust anyone judging by how it's trying to claw me.

It makes me wonder if I deserve anything so wonderful such as love. Maybe I should keep these feelings locked up like I've always done with my emotions. Maybe I'll tell him when I've sort all the problems in my life like..... Kaoru.

I felt a small drop of water touch my face till it began raining slowly but the weather got worse which led me no choice to run home. The rain was too heavy that I got soaked so I stood under a store waiting for the rain to stop while keeping the kitten near me for warmth.

As the soft meows began to die down, I was worried it was dying that tears streamed down uncontrollably trying to keep it warm.

Narrator's p.o.v:

A black limo stopped by Kazumi as she wept quietly. "Kazumi," she looked up to that familiar voice, "quickly get in." Akashi said in authority. She quickly obeyed and went in the back where Akashi was sitting.

When she got in, the car began moving. "What were you doing all alone in the rain?" He asked sternly yet he really felt a feeling he hasn't felt for a long time, worry.

Before Kazumi could reply, she began sobbing loudly, "p-please, help me s-save this cat I-I don't want it to d-die. H-Help me Akashi-kun", she cried.

Akashi was surprised but immediately told the driver to head to the vet. Once they got there, it stopped raining and they entered the vet to get the kitten examined.

After an hour of waiting, a person came up to Akashi and Kazumi. "The kitten is fine thanks to the both of you. If you hadn't found her, she would've died a long time ago but she's feeling a lot better and is eating now. Would you like to see?" The man asked in which Kazumi happily accepted the offer.

Once they went in they were asked if anyone of us were taking the kitten and Kazumi happily took the offer. "What's her name?" Akashi asked her.
"Mia, her name is Mia", she said proudly while stroking the kitten.


Akashi arrived at Kazumi's house to drop her off, "I never knew you'd care for a kitten so much" Akashi chuckled at the feeling of relief. 

"This kitten was left behind with no one to care of it, it just reminded me of...." Kazumi replied in a daze."Remind you of what?" He asked. Kazumi was pulled out of her daze and realised what she just said, "my bed..... yes my bed because it gets lonely when I'm not there", she lied with a smile in which even Akashi could easily tell she was lying.

It made him felt frustrated inside because she's always kept herself hidden. When they reached the house, Kazumi headed inside and placed Mia down, "want to eat anything since you dropped me off home though you should know I'm not that very..." her sentence was stopped midway as Akashi closed the door harshly and pinned her on the wall.

"A-Akashi-kun?" Kazumi said but he ignored her.

"I'm fed up Kazumi" he said straightly.

"With what?" She asked nervously.

"With you. Your constant lying, I'm not a fool like everyone else. I can easily tell when your lying or telling the truth, when your showing your true emotions or not. I want you to stop it or I will cut all ties with you", he replied as his heterochromatic eyes glinted with anger and pity.

Kazumi was speechless and didn't know what to say at that moment and Akashi noticed that so moved away and was about to leave. "I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to make you feel like that really. It's just it hurts to tell the truth and....  I can't tell between my true emotions to my fake ones anymore.... I just feel so broken and I don't want you to cut ties with me." She pleaded as her tears were pouring down her face.

Akashi turned towards her and gave her a hug. "Promise me you'll try your best to not lie to me anymore. From this point on, you will always answer me with the truth." He whispered in her ear.

"I will, I'll open myself up to you." She replied, "Only you" , Akashi could not hear those last words as Kazumi intended it to not be heard.

(A/n finally I've updated!! There's been a lot of exams lately so I haven't got much of the time to write but I have done at least one chapter. It's finally happening!! Their even closer relationship compared to before. If you liked this chapter, follow, vote and comment. Until then Sayonara!)

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