Chapter 7: Which One Is The Real Me?

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(A/n one of my favourite songs which is a vocaloid. Let me know your favourite:))

Narrators p.o.v:

A little girl walks alone scared not knowing where she is. Tears build in her eyes until two adults come towards her and hug her tightly with all their strength. "Okaa-San I l-lost y-you", she said as her lips were trembling and tears streaming down her eyes. "You're fine Kazumi, we're here for you. We'll never leave your side so go to sleep, you must be scared but there's nothing to be afraid anymore." Little Kiyoko Kazumi fell asleep into their arms as her parents wiped her tears gently.

When she woke up, it was morning already so little Kazumi went to her kitchen to have breakfast with her family. "Ohayo Onee-chan", said a little boy with black hair and and big bulb like blue eyes. "Ohayo",she replied as if all was normal. 

"Are you feeling better Kazumi? Next time don't walk away from us in an amusement park but know that your father and I will always find you." Her mother said.

"I wasn't even scared", she said as she pouted in which she got a chuckle from her parents as a response. "Any ways,  you'll be 6 in a few weeks. We've got a lot planned for you",  her father started.

"And I'll be 4 in a month! You remember right? Right?" The black haired boy said with excitement. "How could we forget Kaoru", the father replied.

Kazumi's p.o.v:

To be honest I was scared when I was alone. I never want to be alone again but I'll be careful from now on. As I watched them discussing the plans for my birthday, I could hear a faint static sound but before I asked about that sound, the doorbell rang.

My father went to go get the door and I followed him. When he opened the door, it revealed a man with a lab coat and another person beside him. "Ah Shiro, I wanted to introduce my son, Hinako Ichigo who'll be joining our line of work now. Rest assured, he'll be working under me for now as training since he's only 16 but it'll be a great start for him." The man said. 

I stood their silently until the person, Hinato Ichigo looked at me. I flushed and hid behind my dad's leg. "It seems you have a little bug behind your leg", he said as he pointed at me which made me upset but I stood my ground. "As you can see, Ichigo will be on my watch since he's going through quite the teenage stage", he said smacking the back of Ichigo's head in which he replied with a 'tch'.

I started giggling before he gave me a death glare in which I kept my mouth shut. "You go play Kazumi, your father has some work to deal with." He said gently.


One more day till my birthday but mother and father went out tonight so me and Kaoru were stuck with my father's friend, the lab coat man and Ichigo. I sat near Ichigo who was doing his work on the computer while Kaoru played with the other man.

What I saw was a complex form of writing which Ichigo told me was called hacking. He then was scolded by his dad but I'm sure it doesn't matter if I know. I watched intensively which irritated Ichigo.

"Can you go play or something", he said rudely.

"Don't treat me like a little kid", I said angrily and layed down on the sofa, "but when is mother and father coming back? I want to see them. I miss them."

"Do you have some obsession with your parents or something? All you do is talk about them. You'll end up being fed up with them when you're older." Ichigo said which made me act without thinking. I pushed the laptop out of his hand which resulted it to fall and break.

I couldn't forgive him saying something like that even when it hurt me so much just saying it. "You little brat!" He shouted and tried to grab me but I ran out of the house as fast I could with my shoes. I could hear them calling me as I ran.

I found myself in the busy streets and decided to look for my parents myself. I don't have to be scared because they said they'll always find me when I'm lost like now. I searched and searched but soon grew tired and decided to ask someone for help to go back home.

Before I realised, a taxi was coming my way to the pavement but moved unexpectedly to a family with a little girl younger than me. It hit them and I felt petrified unable to move. 

Screams could be heard around as blood was splattered everywhere which some went on me. The windows were broken and the door from the Taxi opened with a hand torn off. The hand wore a ring which looked familiar and my limbs began moving on its own to the car that was on fire. "Little girl get away from the car, it's dangerous", a man said but I ignored him and walked close to see who was in there.

I could feel my heart stop when I saw my mother and father were nothing but a dead corpse. "It's 12:05, I hope the ambulance will come", came from a voice behind, "somebody get that little girl away from there", a woman screamed. Before I knew it, tears began streaming down my eyes as if my world stopped.

What did I ever do to deserve this? Why me? Why am I alive? At that moment, I felt all living emotions inside me ceased to exist as I collapsed onto someone who pulled me away.


It's been two days since the accident and me, Kaoru, Ichigo and my father's friend along with other people stood silently as mother and father were buried away. Kaoru weeped silently whereas not even a single tear came out of my eyes as if I felt like I was dead already. The death of my parents was at 12:05am, the day I turned 6.

Narrator's p.o.v:

Kazumi sat on the bench after with Ichigo. "Listen, about your parents they would want you to keep living whether they're here or not. They would want you to be happy and they will always watch over you and that aching pain in your heart will fade away so I want you to stay strong and protect your brother because he looks up to you." He said.

Kazumi chuckled, "they said they'll never leave my side but I guess promises are made to not be kept. You were right Ichigo, I'm fed up with them and it's better that they're not here. That aching pain in my heart was never there to begin with and Kaoru needs to learn the truth of this world sooner or later and the fact that people's lives are but a tool." Kazumi stared at Ichigo which gave him chills, "here's a word of advice, we are too naive and ignorant to see what's in front of us which is what makes us weak."'What happened to the Kazumi I knew? Who is this person in front of me?' He asked himself. He could feel fear engulfing him unable to move or protest back.

 "There is no place for love or friendship in this world",  she said with venom as her lifeless eyes looked at the distant view of the sun setting. 

(A/n hope you enjoyed this chapter of Kazumi's past and why she is the crazy person we know now. This chapter should help you understand the way she thinks towards others and about her brother you probably didn't know about. Follow, vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter. It'll be greatly appreciated!! Until then, Sayonara✌🏻️)

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