That Night With Camilla

"So you love him?" I asked her

"He was my first everything how can I not love him. The way he treats me is so cold. Like I didn't do anything to him but love him you know and its hurts so bad that he would deny my son. Like look at him he doesn't deserve for his father to not want him. I don't understand like what did I do wrong?" she was going to be in tears I handed her a napkin.

"You know me and Tremaine wasn't always this good" I placed some ice cream in my mouth.


"Yeah we weren't or at least he wasn't towards me. I was his sister's best friend. You know I was like the girl who thought she was better than the hood we lived in though I wasn't like that. I just wanted to get out. I never liked him at first thought he was a damn man whore then I started getting curious as to why all these girls kept flocking him. Then I fell hard for his ass. He treated me like the scum of the earth. He even brought another bitch to my graduation and left me for her the same night on one of the most important days of my life. It hurt me so much even lead me to lose my damn self. I was mad really upset with him and I made so many people pay for his mistakes. Then he grew up and reached out to me. And eventually we solved our differences and he apologized. I never understood why I loved the boy so much but I can't live without him as much as he makes me crazy sometimes." she laughed.

"I wish Fynch loved me. It hurts me so much to know that I gave up so much for him and he doesn't love me. I know I may sound stupid but I really thought we were in love. I cussed out my parents for him, stopped going to school, ditched my friends, and broke up with my boyfriend of two years. But I guess I deserved all that happen to me. But I can't thank him enough for giving me something to live for. Even though I dislike him for treating me cold I thank him for helping me produce my son. At least Ryan will always love me" I stared at her poor child.

"You ever thought of taking him to court"

"Why it's not going to make him love me"

"But it will make you feel better" she and I laughed.

"Everyone says to do it but I don't want to do that to him. Him going to jail isn't going to solve anything it's just going to make him more angry with me. And I'm hoping one day he'll just come to me on his own and see that even though he hates me for whatever reasons his son didn't do anything to him. I even offered for him to take paternity test and he didn't show up on the day. But whatever I thank Tremaine so much for being there to help me."

"Yeah the infamous superhero" she laughed I looked at her son Ryan she was right the baby didn't deserve what Fynch was doing to him. How could he pull a bitch move like that?

"You're an asshole" I couldn't take it no more he didn't even want touch the baby. Ryan was climbing on the couch and he almost fell Fynch just walked passed him like he didn't see him. I took Ryan up.

"What you said?" he asked me turning up his nose.

"I said you're such an asshole I understand that you don't want to take care of him but the least you could have done is take him off the couch niggah. The baby doesn't have any damn diseases for you to scorn him like he's not human. Have some fucking compassion" he stared at me.

"How about you mind your damn business"

"How about you man the fuck up and stop being a punk"

"My situation don't have nothing to do with you Tashell"

"Oh it doesn't you seem to can't hold your tongue when Tremaine and I have our fights."

He rolled his eyes "What is your problem the girl needs help Fynch"

Swagger Chapter FourWhere stories live. Discover now