• • •

After my classes are over, I arrive at home and reach for the door handle but its jerked open and I see my mother and she looks. . .drunk on happiness. Euphoric.

She pulls me into the most dramatic hug I've ever felt. . .okāy somebody is full of surprises today.

I hesitatingly put my arms around her excepting her embrace. She feels stranger, I'm not a hugger. I haven't hugged someone in a while.

"Oh Ava! I've just won the most wonderful deal! it's going to solve all of our problems!" She pulls away grinning from ear to ear.

A small gasp leaves my lips as my eyes widen "it. . .it is?" I ask hopeful.

An emotion I haven't seen in a very long while glint in her eyes.


Pathetic. Happiness that is.

"Yes, yes! We'll be rich, you can even keep those stupid books of yours." She ushers me into the house shutting the door.

I can't help but acknowledge the bad gut feeling that resides in my stomach. . .what could possibly make us rich?

"So, what is this deal then. .?" I question, hopeful.

Her lips stretch into a grin wider than Cheshire Cat and she beams "You are getting married to the prince." She claps her hands. "Isn't that wonderful?!"

"I'm going to-wait what?!" I frown.

"Sit." She gestures to the couch.

I walk over and my tired body relaxes once it touches the softness. I look at my mother in all confusion. "Well, the Royal daily agreed to let you marry Prince Thomas! Isn't that great?" She bats her eyes.

"Wha-but-but that's the Crown Prince!"

My mother beams, "You're going to be Queen!" She stares into space clutching her hands next to her.

I shake my head, no. "That's not possible, you're becoming delusional. . .there is no way in hell they would agree to let me marry a royal."

A devilish glint appers in her eyes and I don't know if I should make a break for it or sit and listen. "I may, or may have not. . . blackmailed them.

One of my eyebrows raise up "With what?" I ask in all curiosity.

"Nothing that concerns you."

"But this does concern me! There is no way in the world I'm marrying a random stranger-Prince or not. I'm not someone you can just sell off to become rich" Its my turn to glare.

A dry chuckle fills the quiet room. "Do you want to die huh?! Because if you haven't noticed, we are broke; we have no money, nada, nothing."

"Caen't you just blackmail them to give us money? And why didn't they just kill you Why do I have to marry the him? Don't do this" I mutter.

"Oh honey don't you think I thought about this?! If you marry the prince we will be royal! All of your descendants will be royal! This family will never be broke again! Plus, I've always wanted to be royalty. I mean, who doesn't?" She grins thinking she has won.

She's right though, but not this way.

"And they can't kill me I already told someone the information I used to balckmail them and he'll spread it the moment I'm dead"

"Isn't there another way? come on, can't you marry the prince?" I add internally cringing.

My mother laughs "Don't be silly! He's a little older than you. Don't be gross."

Grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch, she grabs the remote and turns on some loud music and I can already feel a headache coming on.

Dear Lord, please save me
Sincerely, me.

"Wait-wait-wait . ." My eyes widen in horror, "When am I getting married?. . ."

She smiles, "After you complete college of course."

Smiling despite the terrible feeling in my stomach. "At least I still have a while left." I mumble.

My mother grabs my hand again and tries to drag me to the middle of the room. "Come dance with me!"

I shake my head, no. "I'm going to my room. . i don't feel so, uhm . .so good."

"You might want to start packing, we're moving to the palace tomorrow." She says it like shes speaking about thr weather.

Well. . .shit.

• • •

Author's note
Hey everyone it's well me I hope you all liked the chapter, I relaize everything's a bit fast paced but it slows down in the later chapters.

I just needed Ava to get to the palace

The chapters do get better, I hope.




And maybe even Follow.

Tied to the prince *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now