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I was walking home from work as I do every day. Nothing out of the ordinary. I kicked a rock to the side as my hands rest in the pockets of my tattered jeans. The last words of my mother came to my head, "Be prepared, Namjoon.". I never got what she meant, I guess it was the fact she was a sidekick and 'knows the future'. I don't believe in shit like that. How can one see the future? I think it's meant to be unknown. Despite my thoughts, it was freezing out and I could use a cup of coffee. I feel a small bump run into my mid-chest. I look down and there was a small man at my feet, holding his forehead. I held out my head and bend down a bit, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that.". He took my hand in his, they were warm. I'll never forget the first time we touched. "It's fine." he smiled and stood up. My heart melted. "Let me make it up to you." I returned the smile. I brought him to the coffee shop, he didn't let go of my hand. I didn't unlock our fingers until we sat at the table in the small cafe. We had told each other our names and exchanged phone numbers on the way here. "So Namjoon, what do you work as?" Jin asked curiously. His name was golden. "I work as an engineer", I chuckled softly, "You've asked three times now.". "Yes but it's so fascinating!" he pouted before letting out a small giggle. I smile at his cuteness. He might be one year older than me but he was mentally a three year old. On the way here he told me that his parents had abandoned him as a toddler, which explains his babyish personality, as he had no one to teach him otherwise. He said he had grown up with many different families in a small town located in South Korea. Those families never lasted, though, due to his personality that they couldn't keep up with. He now lives alone in a small apartment. He said he struggled, not being able to cook or clean for himself to sleep, scared of the world and the monsters that could be living under his bed. "What would you like to order?" I finally asked after he had been looking through the menu for five minutes. Jin then looked up with tears in his eyes, "I don't know how to read..". "How about a regular dark coffee, okay?" I smiled reassuringly. He nodded, "Alright.."

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