Wake Up: Chapter One

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Mxyzptlk and Kara. They were together. They had a family and were happily married. "I love you." said Mxy, "I thought that was going to be us," said Kara. She stared at him for at least 1 minute. "Mon-el...Wake up!" He gasped, so loudly that everyone turned around. "Oh my god!" exclaimed Kara. "Mon-el!" screamed Imra. "Someone goes get the medical team" exclaimed Alex. The medical team came rushing in. "Whats going on" said a panicked Kara, "He has to be checked for anything out of order, he has been in a coma for 7 months." said Alex. "7 months" said a surprisingly calm Mon-el, "When we battled Reign, Purity, and Pestilence, Purity did her 'Sonic Scream'and you passed out ever since you have been in a coma."Wow," said Mon-el. "Everythings good" called Alex. "Hey, wheres J'ohn?" Alex looked at Kara and Kara looked at Alex then Mon-el, "Mon-el" Kara whispered but loud enough that Mon-el could hear her, J'ohn's dead." "What? How?" said a confused and distraught Mon-el. "Winn and James," said Alex "They snapped and J'ohn tried to help them but, now he's dead."That, um... That is interesting." said Mon-el. During the past 5 minutes, Mon-el didn't really focus on the DEO but looking at it now things have changed. It's colder, and everyone seemed off. Karas' hair is longer and she looked even more beautiful even if that was possible. It's probably because the last time he saw her they were battling the world killers and he got put into a coma, "Stop it Mon-el, you have a wife." he said to himself in his head, "I missed you so much" said Imra breaking the somewhat awkward silence. Mon-el didn't know what to say since it might not be true. "I missed you too... I guess? Imra just stared at him but didn't say anything. Suddenly Kara walks out, without saying anything she just walks out. "Kara" exclaimed Mon-el "Let her be Mon-el, she needs time," said Alex "Ok," said Mon-el. Alex then went off to talk to someone. "Mon-el," said Imra "Can I ask you something?" "Yea, sure," said Mon-el Imra took a deep breath and asked, "Are you still in love with Kara?" "What?" asked Mon-el "Are you still in love with Kara?!" she asked in an annoyed and frustrated tone Mon-el didn't say anything but, kept think about the question 'Are you still in love with Kara.' Yes is what he wanted to say but, instead, he said "i...I don't know" "Wow," said Imra "I knew you were a-" but she got cut off mid-sentence by the D.E.O alarms "We're not finished here," said Imra in a snarky tone "Yea sure," said Mon-el as they made their way down to the main room "Whats going on?" asked Kara

So what do you think is going to happen? This is my first fanfiction ever and I'm kind of nervous so let me know what you think. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Ta-ta, SuperMelWood ;)

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