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I had looked over to Rose and sarcastically shrugged as I walked into my literature class. This class happened to be my favorite, as I had a hobby for learning about such. I had sat down and briefly got into my backpack, to grab the heavy, but valuable text book, plopping it on my desk. To which I had looked up and met eyes with no other than the impossible. It was Stiles. My breathing stopped for a short period, until a let out a short gasp of air at the sight of the beautiful man who had met eyes with my own. Before I could get up, or say anything, the bell had rung signalling that the class had started. Rose had nudged my back, and I had turned around to see her smirking. She had done the look she did every time she found someone attractive, but all I could do was furrow my eyebrows, and keep eye contact with him. 

I couldn't quite understand what was going on. He had spoken so maturely and sophisticated. "Hello, my name is Mr. Stilinski, but you can call me "Stiles", for short" he had mustered keeping eye contact towards me. Every girl in the room could be made obvious that they kept an obvious stare towards him, you could say that today the class would pay attention for the first time all year.

My mind wasn't adjusting to him in a visible, neat, outfit. No black hoodie, or wet messy hair. It was different. He could tell what I was thinking as he brushed past my desk, knocking over my textbook over purposely, but when I had bent over to grab it, his hand met with my own small one. His engulfed mine, as we both looked up. A familiar smell of cologne and presence had gave me a sense of that day we met. He handed me the textbook, and bent back up, sticking his hands into his pocket and continuing to walk past the other students. The assignment was per usual, which was reading the daily pages of the book we had been reading, nothing too fancy.

I didn't read although, I watched every one of each of his movements, down to the way he twiddled his fingers within his pockets, as he had something hiding. The whole class period went this way until the bell had rung. I had gathered my things, and had made myself purposely the last to exit the class. "Mr. Stilinski?" I had spoken curiously and sarcastically. He had came over and sat on top of the desk effortlessly and looked over my way. "Why yes Grace. Glad you noticed. What do you need?" he spoke obviously knowing what I was about to ask. "I like to be mysterious like I said. Who said I can't get a fake degree and substitute a class I didn't want to substitute for?" he spoke as he got up and shrugged, sucking in his bottom lip and looking towards me. "Fake degree? What-" I tried speaking. 

"Today I wanted to be a literature substitute for a class with a girl in it I particularly favor" he spoke shrugging not explaining a word he spilled out. "You're ridiculous" I spoke furiously as I tried to exit the classroom, but before my body could split, the door closed by a large hand. I was turned around against the door, his hot breath upon me. "I have business that you would never understand, nor should you ever be involved into" he spoke whispering into my ear. "Accept the fact that I favor you. You may be some eye candy to some jock prick here, but I can assure you that you won't be for long" he spoke, giving me chills down my spine. He had released me from against the door, and rolled up his sleeves as he looked at me and shrugged. 

I tried to say something but I couldn't. All I could do was look into his eyes and shake my head. What was he even talking about?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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