The phone call.

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Twilight felt sick to her stomach,not because of that but because she had a stomach ache,but after she threw up she felt fine weirdly enough.
She got out of bed and stepped next to her closet of gowns,sense today was the actual birthday of Luna she knew she had to wear a pretty dress like all the other she hurried up and buy a snow-white dress on that looked like it was from a girl's quinceanera. But of course at the worst time the phone started ringing.After she got on her dress she answered.
"What do you want!"
An impatient twilight asked.
"Hey it's me Flash I'm just apologizing for last night,I don't know what came over me,I'm so sorry Twi."

"I'm sorry too!,this was my fault as much as it was your's"! "Bye flash!"
At the party Twilight noticed everyone was over dressed,even more than Princess Twilight  was. But then she saw the most overdressed one of all..Rarity.
Rarity who is no stranger to having a sense of fashion,cane to the party wearing a full on gown with practically every birth stone gem tied to her dress. The dress itself was gold and silver but was so mattalic you would wear she was wearing a flashlight!
Along with that she was also wearing beautiful ruby earrings with her hair weaved with all kinds of gems!

"Twilight dear isn't this party glamorous!"

"I'd say so!" Pinkie pie screamed rushing in with cakes and other treats in her mouth.

"You're worse than Applebloom!" Applejack said
Even fluttershy agreed on this one.

"Yeah guys it's been awhile,hey have you guys seen rainbow dash? She's usually the first one to talk at these occasions.usually she even knocks spike down she flys over so fast."

"Actually Twilight has a point." "Where is that silly mare ah have been looking for her all day!"

Rarity was quick to answer. "She's over there talking to her boyfriend over there."
Of course Rainbow somehow heard.
"I heard that!" "He's not my boyfriend! We just work on the same team!"

"Whatever you say" Rarity snickered.

But of course the first person Twilight say out of the Royal guards was flash. She realizes how much that night was a mistake but even though she still won't erase what happened.she began to feel sick to her stomach.

"Twilight sweetheart dear are you okay?" Rarity said with her gems hanging from her hair.

"No,I'm not Rarity I think I ate too many sweets,I think I'm going to be sick please take me home!"
Rarity and the gang rushed out of the palace as soon as possible.
"Hello Royal guards can you please escort the princess home thanks."
Fluttershy said this so quietly that only one of the guards could hear her.But in the end they took her home.
Twilight later on the bed with a bag and swollen eyes. Once again after she threw up she felt perfectly fine. But she keeps having this sickness so often that she's pretty worried.
Spike of course acted as a mother taking care of Twilight.
"Do you need anything else twi?".
"No I'm fine spike."
"Okay if you say so,Twilight I think you should see Zecora I think she could help you."
"I know spike but I want to rest Hear just for another day,I need to put myself together."
"Why do you need to put yourself together?"

"Um spike you know when you make a bad choice that will effect yours and maybe another persons life forever so you just need to sit on a bed for awhile and try to forget the terrible choice you made?"
"No sorry Twilight can't relate."
"I'm glad you can't because it's a terrible feeling."
"Well I hope you get better,and please see Zecora."
"I will and thanks for all that you do for me spike."
"Well you helped me during my worse times,so why shouldn't I help you towards your's?"
"Thanks spike."
"Who's there?"
"It's me Twilight Sparkle!,The princess."

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