"Well that doesn't seem very pleasant." Ashton scratches at the back of his light brown, nearly dirty blonde curls and almost knocks the bandana out of his hair. He reminds me of Harry with that damn bandana.

"Yeah." I scratch mindlessly at my nails and risk a glance at Ashton. He's still scratching at his head, mulling over the entire story.

"Well, Harry wouldn't have left if he knew, that's for sure. He's not answering texts?"

"Nope." I say casually, since I've been trying to play out scenarios in my mind where Harry would have needed to leave suddenly, and without telling me, and without texting me.

Not that he needs to. I remind myself. Technically, he doesn't need to do anything. But then why send Ashton as a babysitter?

"Did he say why he sent you?" I ask.

"Sort of. He just asked me to make sure you were alright, and that I could spend some time if I wanted."

"Spend some time where?"

"Here." He states casually.

"Why on earth would you want to stay here, it's going to be nearly below freezing and you're Australian." I gape at the strange need for everyone to come visit Canada all of a sudden. This place is basically the North Pole. At least during the winter it is.

"I don't know, I've never actually seen snow until now."

"Oh, yeah well I guess - Australia and all." I laugh despite my racing mind. "Uggh." I allow myself to grunt and lay down on the bed in exasperation.

"Confusing lad inn'he?" Ashton laughs at me and I laugh with him for a moment.

"You got that one right."

It's strange. I've only met Ashton once, and we were dancing in a club the last time I saw him. I can't help but feel the instant comfort from his presence. More a friendly vibe than anything else, but still a comfort that I can't quite place. He makes me feel more comfortable than I have in the past few months. Harry's always had me on the edge of my toes, but Ashton allows me to relax somehow.

"So what should I do?" I ask the ceiling, knowing that Ashton will undoubtedly hear me too.

"You shouldn't try and figure him out." 

The tone of his voice gives me the distinct impression that he's being serious. I can tell that he's giving me, possibly, his most valuable advice about Harry.

"I should let it go shouldn't I?" I ask him and when I lift myself back into a sitting position, I can see him nodding at the floor.

"Great." I answer and allow my thoughts to wander for a minute.

It's not until my stomach growls furiously that I realize I haven't eaten lunch or dinner.

"Let's get something to eat. I'm starving." I state and throw my wallet and cell into the first handbag I can see.


"It's good right?" I ask Ashton who is shoveling another full bite of poutine into his mouth.

"Mmmhgm." He attempts to say through the dripping gravy and cheese.

I laugh at him, and cover myself up with the scarf I'm thankful I brought. The cold is becoming even worse and I can't wait until the winter is over, even if it's barely started.

"Slow down, you're going to choke or something." I say through giggles and he laughs along with me as I tempt him into smaller bites.

I figured I would at least get him to try a Canadian delicacy. Poutine, also known as, french fries with a shit-ton of melted cheese and gravy. 

"Canada rocks." He says through shivers from the cold and mouthfuls of poutine.

"Speak for yourself." I tell him and he stops eating for a moment to eye me.

"What?" I ask.

"What do you hate so much about Canada. Didn't you grow up here?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Technically no. I grew up in France, the south, not Paris. But I moved here when I was really young so I consider it to be my home really. I just want to travel though. I always have. To see Europe, the world, and experience everything that this fucked up planet has to offer. The beautiful stuff anyway, not so much the emotional turmoil."

He takes in my life for a moment. This is really my way of getting to know someone, and I've been able to open up about simple things like what I want to do, more than I have been with Harry. 

"It sounds like a good life." Ashton says, and I snort in response.

"Sure, it would be. If I could afford a way to travel around, and in the meantime I'm stuck here." I lift my arms up to inidcate the cold darkness. It gets dark so early now that I can barely see past the lights from the university campus.

"Why don't you ask Harry to take you somewhere?" I can see the innocent curiosity in the question, but I answer him truthfully.

"I don't want to have to depend on anyone. Money isn't the only thing to people. Sure Harry could fly me off to Rome in his private jet, but what would that make me? Just some girl who's willing to survive off of someone else's living? No thank you, I make my own money and my own living."

I find myself taking a deep breath after the short speeches about my life. Ashton looks down at me and gives me a massive smile.

"What?" I say through another deep breath.

"That was the most genuine thing I think I've ever heard." He tells me, and I laugh in response.

"Maybe." I say, and we continue to walk back to the apartment in a strangely comforting silence.

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