"Shintaro we are awake," Akashi said in a gurgly, cranky voice. Akashi carefully moved his hands and legs away from Kuroko. He then started to try to wake up Kuroko.

"Tetsuya wakeup you need to wake up Mura-Mura." Instantly yet slowly Kuroko got up went to Murasakibara. Akashi went to the bathroom. Midorima went to Aomine and Kise's room with a bucket of cold water. Midorima threw the water onto Aomine and Kise.


"You Ahomine next time wake yourself up."Midorima retorted.

Kise already used to the cold water he got out of bed and went to the bathroom he shared with Akashi and Kuroko. Aomine glared at Midorima as he went off to the bathroom he shared with Murasakibara and Midorima.

Midorima went to check on Kuroko and Murasakibara. What he saw pissed him off. He saw Kuroko and Murasakibara sleeping. He was hugging Kuroko as he slept. Murasakibara probably pulled Kuroko onto the bed when Kuroko was trying to wake him up. Midorima thought.

Midorima pulled the blanket off of them and put the fan on full blast in front of them.

Kuroko gave up, he was cold and it was winter. Kuroko got up and Murasakibara tagged along and went to his bathroom which he shared with Midorima and Aomine and got ready.

Midorima sighed in relief as his alarmed ringed meaning it was 6:00 am. He always woke them up 30 minutes early because waking them up took a long time and he didn't the group to be late.

Kuroko went to the bathroom and saw Kise getting ready. Akashi was already changing his clothes in their room. Kuroko began getting ready with Kise since being the "face of the group" and the "visual" took work. Kise and Kuroko usually share beauty supplies such as facial scrubs and masks.

The rest of them just washed their face and changed into their casual clothes. When Kuroko and Kise were finally done they changed into some casual clothes too.

While everyone was waiting for their driver they drank their 2 bottles of water and started passing time.

Kuroko was reading the newest update of a Webtoon called Lookism.

Akashi was looking over their schedule.

Midorima was looking at the horoscopes making sure to bring his lucky item which was a scarf.

Murasakibara just sat down in a chair and took a nap since he was still tired.

Aomine was looking at those weird magazines again.

Kise was taking selfies to post on their social media.

The clock soon ticked 7:30 and their driver and manager arrived.

"Good Morning everyone lets get this show on the road already." Nijimura their manager said while handing them some coffee.

"Thank you Nijimaru/-kun/-chin/-chii/Shuzou." They all said as they entered the vehicle.

As the driver drove Murasakibara got hungry.

"Hey, Kuro-chin do you have any food?"

Kuroko knowing they were not supposed to eat anything today still brought candy for everyone since they needed the energy for the concert.

"Are you ok with vanilla?"


Kuroko handed the candy to Murasakibara and offered some to everybody else. Everyone gladly accepted the candy.

"Akashi-kun do you still have the trainee's file?" Kuroko asked. Akashi nodded and gave Kuroko the file. Kuroko began reading the file and analyzing the trainee information.

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