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Next day, Mingyu again came to the shop. Today, there is no one in the cafe. Every staff of the cafe has went to the basement for another work. So, there is just byul. As he was seeing his phone, he didn't noticed that it's in a break for now, Mingyu come in and asked Byul, "you are here all alone?". Byul answer, "yes, you may not have seen the sign. Its in a break now. But no problem. Give me your order. Mingyu come to the order section and ordered. Then he took his order and went to a table and sit. After a while, Mingyu called Byul. Byul come and asked, "what?". Mingyu said, "because today there is no one in this cafe and I am feeling so boring. That's why". "Ohhh, I was feeling bored too",Byul said. Then Byul sit in front of Mingyu.

Mingyu: Well, do you have any boyfriend?

Byul: Why? *Said with a doubt eyes and smiled* No I don't have. Do you have?

Mingyu: No, I don't have too. But I have a crush in Instagram.

Byul: Ohhhh. Let me see her.

Mingyu: *Shyly* I haven't saw her face yet.

(Byul frowned)

Byul: Then why do you like her?

Mingyu: Cause she has a beautiful smile and so many other things too.

Byul: ohhhh. That's romantic. Well, do you know what is the meaning of 'mingyu' ?

Mingyu: What is it?

Byul: 'Bright jade' and 'Byul' is 'star'.

Mingyu: Such a universal name.

[Both laughed]

While Byul was talking, Mingyu started to think, "Why i'm not missing my no moon byul? It's like that I'm talking to her".

Byul: What? What are you thinking?

Mingyu: No, nothing. Well do you have an insta account?

Byul: hmm. It is --

Suddenly Mingyu's phone ring.

Mingyu took the phone (after one min) he said okay and cut the phone.
Byul got worried and asked, "if it's argent, you should hurry and go".
Mingyu said, "not that important. But I'm going now bye". Byul went with mingyu to the gate of the cafe. Then mingyu goes a little far then he turned and said loudly said, "more when we meet again. It was fun today". Then he waved at her and she did that too.

At night, Mingyu came to home & laid in bed. He close his eyes and said, "Where is my story taking me? From when she come to my life, there are so many problems. Sometimes I'm very close to find moon byul and sometimes my heart runs when I see Choi byul. And sometimes something else. Ufff. I am becoming confused between Moon and Choi".

Then he suddenly sat and say with a doubt face, "wait, moon english is moon and Byul english is star. Then 'Moon byul' means 'Moon Star'. What I'm thinking, is it the right or?"

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