Chapter 13

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The common room is uncommonly cold, and dark. I don't know if James will ever be the same, it's one thing to have your parents die of old age, but his parents were murdered. He will carry this with him for the rest of his life. I sit Sirius and James next to each other on the sofa. Remus stands next to me.

"What are you going to do?" He whispers to me.

"Um, I have no clue, but Im going to do something." I reply. Taking a step forward I prepare myself. "I have no words that could possibly make up for what you have lost." I start, looking at James. "But what I can say, is that as soon as we leave Hogwarts, all of us, will fight you know who, and we will end his reign of terror." I pause, trying to think of what else to say. "And, we will do it together. And James, " Grabbing his hands I lean in front of him, "I'm going to be you're rock, and I am not going to let you be alone. Ever. Same goes with you Sirius." James rubs his thumbs across my hands, and I see tears dropping down his face. Reaching for his face, and rubbing my thumb to wipe away his tears.

"Thank you." He barely manages to get out. "How is your wrist?" He asks, his voice is small.

"It's fine, is there anything you want to do today?"

"Fly. I want to fly. It's been so long, I need to ride a broom."

"Okay, I can make that happen." standing up I turn to Remus. "Watch them while I go ask Mcgonagall?" I ask.

"Of course." I start to walk away. "Lily wait," He stops me. "I just want you to know that it might get harder, and if it does I'll be here so, just ask if you need help with anything, I know you and I know you will try and do it on your own. Promise me."

"I promise." Walking out of the common room, I make my way to find our head of house. The castle is unusually warm this morning, and I like it, especially since I forgot to put on a jumper. I don't even want to know how many times I've walked from the common room to Mcgonagall's office. I often spend time there when studying, sometimes the library is too crowded, and she always lets me have a cup of tea as well. Knocking gently on the door the which looks up from a letter she is writing.

"Oh, Evans, good to see you. What do you need?" She asks.

"I was wondering if it would be alright for James to have some time to ride his broom? He's having a hard day and wanted to fly, so I told him I'd ask."

"Of course. Just, tell him to wear a jumper." She says, "oh, and I know what happened, so if he needs anything just ask and I'll see what I can do." Her face looks sad as she says this.

"Thank you, Professor. And, I will. See you later."

Sitting on the quidditch pitch, Remus sits close to me to help keep me warm while James is flying. He doesn't look happy, but he also doesn't look as miserable. The wind is messing up his already messy hair, and I sigh. We've been out here for over an hour, and he hasn't taken a break. I've never been one for flying, it makes me nervous. But watching James fly, its amazing. He is so graceful, it's almost like any grace he doesn't have on the ground is saved for when he flies. Even sitting next to Remus, I am still freezing my ass off, so I pull out my want and make a little flame to help warm us up. 

"I think we need to keep an eye in Sirius too." I mention, my face frozen.

"Me too. Padfoot is will act like he is okay, but he won't be." Remus chimes in. 

"He was telling me about how him and James are brothers when we were walking to the great hall. I just want all this darkness to go away. But I can't stop you know who on my own." 

"None of us can do it on our own, so we have to work together, like you said earlier." He smiles and nudges me a little bit. "How are you doing? You're so busy trying to keep Prongs happy, no one has asked you." 

"I think I'll be okay, and I think that to be okay I need to focus on James." I answer. Im about to say something else when James flies over and lands next to me. "Do you feel better?" I ask him, his face is flushed from the cold and his hair is all over the place. 

"A little. Thank you." He replies, grabbing my hand. My whole body warms as soon as he touches me. He leans and gently kisses my forehead, and gives me a little smile. I rest my head on his shoulder, and look out at the frosty quidditch pitch. "Where's Padfoot?" He asks. Thinking about it, I have no idea where he is. I was so focused on James, Sirius got lost in the process. 

"We should find him." I say standing up. 

"If only a summoning charm worked with people." James says with a slight chuckle. It's small, but at least his humor left him. "But what we do have is the map. Moony, do you have it with you?" He asks. 

"No, but the good thing is that a summoning charm does work with a piece of enchanted paper." Says Remus. "Accio Marauders Map." He says after pulling out his wand. Surprisingly, the piece of paper comes whizzing through the air almost immediately. Remus grabs it, taps his wand and says "I solemnly swear that Im up to no good." A map of Hogwarts appears on the map, with several little name tags moving around the castle. In his office, Dumbledore is pacing, apparently talking to Mcgnagall because her name is also in his office. I look over the paper for Sirius' name, but can't seem to find it. 

"I can't be the only one who can't see Sirius right?" 

"I can't see him either." James chimes in. "Maybe he is in the room of requirement? We didn't put it on the map. He could do something bad if he is left alone." So the three of us get up and go to find Sirius. 

A/n: Hey everyone, I hoe you liked this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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