Chapter 9

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The cold crisp light of the morning seeps through the window. As the memories of yesterday come flooding back to me, I realize that it is Christmas holidays, and we have a Hogsmead day today. I'll ask Lily is she wants to go. But first, breakfast.

I don't even bother putting on clothes, I just stay in my pajamas. Walking down the spiral staircase, I run into Alice.

"Oh hello Alice." I say.

"Morning James. Lily is just waking up." She tells me.

"Cool. Thanks. How are you doing?"

"Um, not well, I was just about to go home. Did you hear about Frank's parents?" She asks me.

"No, what happened? Are they alright?"

"Um, no. They were murdered. By death eaters." Her voice breaks when she says murdered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I don't know what else to say.

"Thanks. I have to go now. Have a nice Christmas."

"You too." She turns and continues down the stairs with her trunk. Well, now my mood has gone from good to not so good. Maybe Lily can make me feel better.

Since boys aren't allowed in the girls dormitory, I finish walking down the stairs and wait in front of the Fire for the girl with the green eyes. Listening to the crackle of the fire, I zone out. It must be at least 10 minutes before I realize that Lily is standing in front of me.


"Hm? Oh good morning, sorry I zoned out." I say.

"Come on let's get some breakfast." I stand up with a grunt and put my arm around her shoulder.


"How did you sleep?" I ask as we hold hands.

"Meh. Hey, do you want to go to Hogsmead today?" He smiles at me.

"Sure. I could use some warm butterbeer." The thought of cuddling up with James and a warm drink makes me excited. "Are you okay? You seem a little off this morning."

"I ran into Alice and she told me about Frank's parents. It just really hit me, ya know?" He says sincerely. I just nod. "Like, at any moment your whole world could be torn apart."

"Yeah. The world has gone to shit hasn't it? But, we need to focus on the good. Like how we have two whole weeks basically to ourselves, and how we only have a few months left before we can use magic whenever we want!" I try to cheer James up.

"You're right. As usual. Let's eat and then get ready for a good day at Hogsmead!" He smiles down at me, we walk into the Great Hall, and find it mostly empty. Most of the students have gone home for the holidays. The four house tables have been replaced by two smaller tables, making the Great Hall a little cozier. The smell of bacon fills my whole body and makes the whole world seem happier. James and I sit together, and at the furthest end of the same table, Snape sits alone. He is looking down at his bowl of porridge, with his greasy hair falling around his face. Instead of continuing to stare at him, I turn my attention to my breakfast. I make a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. James fills his plate with way too much bacon and pour syrup all over it. 

"You like syrup on your bacon?" I ask.

"Yep." He puts a piece of bacon in his mouth."You didn't know that?" 

"I guess I never noticed before." I reply. I reach my hand towards his mouth and wipe a drip of syrup off his chin. My whole body tingles when our skin makes contact. "You're pretty cute." I tell my boyfriend. 

"Why, thank you milady." he laughs. Taking a bite of my toast, and realize that I forgot to put jam on it. When I look around for the jam, but it is nowhere near me. I turn my head to the other end of the table and see that it is next to Severus. 

"I need the jam, but I do not want to go over to Snape to get it." I say to James. He turns his head in that direction, and frowns. 

"I'll go get it." He offers. 

"No, if you go over there something might happen. I'll go." I stand up, and start walking. It feels like forever. Eventually, I reach Snape, he looks up at me and smiles. I don't smile back. Grabbing the jar of jam, I turn my back on Snape and walk back to James. Hearing footsteps behind me, I stop walking and turn around. Snape has gotten up and started following me. "What do you want Snape?" 

"I wanted to know how you are doing. Is he treating you alright?" 

"Yes. and I'm fine. I thought I told you never to talk to me again." I say coldly. He looks at ground, then he looks back up at me. 

"I'm sorry Lily." He says. I just shake my head and walk away. I do not have time to deal with him today. I plop back onto the bench next to James, and pick up my butter knife to spread the jam onto my toast. 

"Are you alright? What did he say to you?" Asks James. 

"Im fine. He just can not get a hint that I don't want to talk to him ever again. Let's just finish breakfast so we can't to Hogsmead." I say. I eat my bacon, but don't have much of an appetite now. 


The Gryffindor common room is empty when James and I get back. The fire is dying down, making the room a little colder and darker than it usually is. "I'm going to change." I say to James. He nods, and we walk up the staircase together, parting when the stairs split. I go right and James goes left. My dorm is quiet, and feels empty. Mary and Alice are both home with their parents, leaving me, Marlene, and Kelly as the only seventh year girls from Gryffindor that stayed at Hogwarts. Im friends with them, but they aren't my best friends. 

I change out of my pajamas, and into a comfy sweatshirt, jeans and my Gryffindor scarf. I also make sure that I put on my warmest boots because it is bloody cold outside. When I'm done getting dressed, I go back down the stairs to find James and Sirius talking. 

"Hey Lily!" Sirius says to me. 

"What are you two talking about?" I ask, a little suspicious. 

"Oh nothing." Says Sirius. 

"Sure. Ready to go Potter?" I ask. He nods and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Do you want to come Sirius?" I ask. 

"Nah, I'm good staying out of the cold." He responds. 

James and I walk through the portrait hole, walk down the stairs. The cold wind hits my face, making my nose and cheeks turn bright pink. I cuddle close to James as we walk.  I see a few small groups of friends walking towards the small town. I also spot Hagrid, the grounds keeper headed to Hogsmead, no doubt headed to HogsHead pub for a drink. I remember the first time I went to Hogsmead. Alice, Mary and I spent almost the whole day at HoneyDukes. Since I grew up with muggles, I had never experienced candy in the wizarding world. It was so much fun. As I am remembering, a smile comes across my face. 

"What are you smiling about Evans?" James asks me. 

"I'm just remembering the first time I went to Hogsmead." I say. 

"What made you think of that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because we only have a few months left of school. Maybe because I've never been happier, and I want to stay that way?"  I pause. "James?" 


"I love you." 

AN- Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I made it longer than usual because my computer is finally working again!

The Girl With the Green EyesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara