Chapter 4

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The first Hogsmead weekend is coming up in a month, so I have to impress Lily by then. I've been working hard on not pestering Snivilous.

Padfoot, Mooney and I left Wormtail to wake up on his own accord, so we head down to breakfast. The whole of the Great Hall smells of brown sugar and toast, making my mouth water. Lily is sitting at the end of Gryffindor table with Alice and Mary as usual, and she looks amazing. Her hair is in two braids and her face lights up when she smiles. And her perfectly placed freckles are like stars.

"Ouch!" I've run into the bench. This is what o get for staring at Lily. She turns her head in my direction and laughs. Even when she is laughing at me, she is beautiful. Acting like nothing happened, I stand up straight and walk over to Evans, and sit myself right next to her. "Morning!"

"Good Morning Potter." She says.

"Lovely morning, isn't it Evans?" I sit extra close to her. "So I was wonder-"

"Give me a couple weeks to think about it Potter." She cuts me off.

"How did you know what I was going to say?" I smirk.

She turns to me and rolls her eyes, but despite the annoyance in her face, I see a small smile. "Potter. You have been asking me to Hogsmead since fifth year. I think I can tell when you're going to ask me out. " her head turns to me and smiles.

"Fair enough. I'll leave you to think about this important decision." Skooting down the bench I sit next to my best friend. "Sirius, do you think she will say yes?" 

"I think if you stop bugging her and if you're nice to her, then yes. She will have to say yes. But I don't know why seeing as you're a toe rag." He adds jokingly. I nudge his shoulder playfully. I have a good feeling about my chances with Lily.

Hi guys! Sorry for yet another short chapter. The chapters from James' pov will probably be shorter anyways but I promise the next one will be longer. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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