Chapter 3

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"Okay, okay, listen to this!" Says Alice. "What kind of shorts do clouds wear?"

"What?" Mary says, rolling her eyes.

"Thunderwear!" Alice bursts into laughter. She loves stupids puns like that. Shaking my head, I continue walking up the steps that bring you up to Hogwarts castle. A cold wind blows across my face, ruffling my hair behind me. I always forget how many stairs there are at school.

"My legs are going to be sore for a couple weeks." I moan.

"You say that every year!" Mary replies.

"Well it's true! I always forget how many steps there are, and over the summer I don't really do anything so I get out of shape!" I say as I practically gasp for breath at the top of the stairs. My friends laugh at me and I shake my head.

When we finally make it into the Great Hall, Mary, Alice and I sit at the Gryffindor table, and await the sorting.


All the first years have been sorted, and Dumbledore has given his speech. This year the prominent theme was staying positive in these dark times, which I think just reminded me that there are dark times. But my thoughts about Lord Voldemort are subsided when my stomach growls so loudly that Remus looks at me and laughs from across the table.

Finally the feast appears in front of everyone, I go straight for the mashed potatoes. Mounds of food fill the four house tables, pretty much blocking the view to the other side. Im filled with mirth as I eat, and as my friends crack jokes and talk about random stuff.

Dessert appears 45 minutes or so later, although, seeing as I ate several helpings of mashed potatoes, I don't think I'll be able to eat anything else. For a split second, I catch Potter looking at me. Then I remember what we talked about briefly on the train, and secretly I hope he listens. People all around me slowly start to stagger out of the Great Hall, when I realize how tired I am. And since classes start tomorrow, I figure I should get to bed pretty soon.

"Im going to head to the common room, want to come?" I ask Mary and Alice.

"Sure! I am so tired." Mary agrees. So the three of us leave the Great Hall, and walk up the many steps, and past the many moving painting until we reach the portrait of the fat lady.

"Mandrake." The painting swings forward, revealing a hole just large enough for someone to climb through. The common room is full of the same plush chairs that have been there since my first year here. And it is filled with the same warm light of the fire that I have spent so many nights studying in. Behind me, Remus and his friends clamor through the hole, joking and being obnoxious. Potter approaches me, but I don't back away.

"Potter. Have you thought about what I said?" I ask him, looking into his deep hazel eyes.

"Actually, I have. And I think I've decided to go along with it. You know I'd do anything to impress you." He gives me a cute little smirk. "So Evans, would you go to Hogsmead with me?"

"Not yet, Potter. Ask me again when the first Hogsmead weekend comes up." With that I turn on my heel and walk up the spiral staircase leading my dormitory. Secretly, I wanted to say yes, but I also want to wait and see if he really keeps his promise. The dorm looks the same as it always does, with its four-post beds and burgundy curtains. And even though this has been my home for the past 6 years, I never get tired of it. Each and everyday that I am here, I'm surprised by something.

Alice comes through the door and puts on her pajamas then sits on her bed across from me.

"So. Did I just watch you talking to James Potter without you acting as though he has a contagious disease?" She asks.

"Yes. And guess what he was doing." I respond

"Hmm... I'm going to say... he was asking you out. Again?" I nod.

"But he was also telling me that he was going to stop bullying people. So that he could impress me."

"Oh my god." She jumps up and down, clapping her hands. "He is so in love with you! It's so cute!"

"Alice!" I slap her knee gently. "But, to be fair, I think it is really sweet that he is doing that for me." I blush.

"You better give him a chance!" Says my friend. "But I can bother you about it tomorrow, and until you say yes to him." She climbs under her blankets and draws her curtains closed. Doing the same, I go to sleep.

Sorry for another short chapter, my computer is broken so I have to write on my phone! But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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