Chapter 6

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My mind is awake but I can't seem to open my eyes. Last night I stayed up until almost 2am doing all my homework for the weekend, so that I can put all my focus on my date with Lily. Man, it feels so good to say that. I have a date with Lily Evans! I could run around the dorm with glee. But I don't. I do, however, get out of bed and go to take a shower. I don't want to smell bad on my date with Lily.

The washroom is empty, so I turn on the water, and take my time. Then I start thinking about the date. Again. I want to take Lily to the Shrieking Shack, or no, she might be scared. I think I'll take her to Honey dukes and then the Three Broomsticks. Before I can change my mind again, I end my shower and get ready for the day.


Over the past two weeks since I said yes to the date, I've been getting more and more excited. So Friday night before the day of the date comes, I can't seem to sleep. I didn't think I would be this nervous and excited about a date with James Potter. The ignorant, rude, cute, and charming James Potter.

Alice has been telling me about her first date with Frank, to give me an idea of white James might be planing. Frank and James are two completely different people, so I'm not sure that Alice's story will be much help.

Light starts to trickle in through the windows. Everyone in my dorm in still sleeping, but I hear footsteps coming from the boys dorm. Maybe it's James. But I don't get out of bed, I grab the book from my side table and sit up. I whisper "lumos" and the tip of my wand lights up, illuminating the pages of my favorite book from the muggle world. Next to me, someone shifts in their bed, so I decided to go down to the common room to read.

Quietly, I tip toe down the stairs, into the common room. There is already a fire going, so I sit on the couch right in front of it.

Engrossed in my book, I hardly notice when the painting of the fat lady swings open.

"Boo!" A voice whispers in my ear, making me jump. When I turn around I see James.

"You scared me!" I say with a slap on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." His smile turns into a small frown.

"You don't need to be sorry. Why are you up so early?" I ask.

"Needed a shower. Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep." I reply.

"Might I ask why?"

"Nervous." Is all I say. I feel my face blush, and I watch James' face as he smiles.

"Well, don't be nervous, you'll be with me!" He puffs up his chest, and gives a cocky smile. He checks the watch on his wrist, then looks back up at me. "It's almost 8. People are going to wake up soon."

"I should get dressed. See you later." I wink as I turn and walk back up the stairs into the common room.


Breakfast is over and people start making their way out of the Great Hall. I speed out of breakfast, because I need to grab something before Lily and I leave for Hogsmead.

Going two steps at a time, I run to the Gryffindor common room to grab some flowers I got for Lily.

When I reach the front of the school, Lily is the only one left, waiting. I hide the flowers behind my back and walk up to her. "Hello." I smile when she turns around.

"Hi. What are you hiding behind your back?"

I pull out the flowers, and watch as Lily's face lights up with delight. "Do you like them?" I ask.

"Yes. Come on let's go." She grabs the small bouquet of flowers, takes one out and puts it in her hair. "I was worried that you were going to flake out on me." She says.

"I'm sorry. I was getting the flowers from my dorm."

"I think it's sweet. Thank you." She tucks her hair behind her ear. My checks blush when she says this.
We walk for several minutes in silence, until she trips in a hole.

"Are you okay?! Do you need to go to the hospital wing?" I ask frantically. She laughs.

"I'm fine, just embarrassed."


"Are you sure that you're okay?" James asks me again.

"Potter. I'm fine! I'm just a clutz." I smile as he helps me up. His hands are warm and comforting, and when he takes his hand out of mine, I feel sort of empty.

We keep walking, and I make sure that I watch for holes in the road so that I don't fall again. Soon enough Hogsmead appears in front of us. And it's teeming with Hogwarts students.

"Where do you want to go first?" I ask James.

"I was thinking the shrieking shack? Is that alright with you?" I nod my head in response, I want to grab his hand again, but he might think it's weird.

The walk to the shrieking shack is only a few minutes, and when we get there we are the only ones in the area. The butterflies in my stomach are at an all time high, and there is a cold wind in the air. So, I grab James' hand. At first he looks surprised, then he smiles at me, making me blush.

"This is nice." He says, "Lily, I want you to know that I really do care about you."

"I know James." I smile.

"Hey, you actually used my name!" He chuckles. Blushing, I look at the ground. Then I hear footsteps behind me.

"Get away from her!" I hear. It's Severus. He runs towards James, who lets go of my hand.

"Severus! He isn't doing anything to me!" I try and persuade him to stop, but it doesn't work. James pulls out his wand, and Sev does the same. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. "Boys, I know that both of you have your reasons, but please don't do anything stupid." I say.

"What are you doing here with this piece of trash, Lils?!" Sev says angrily.
I step in front of Sev, and place my hands on my hips.

"He is not a piece of trash. And you have no right to call me Lils. Even if we were friends once. Go away Snape. And don't follow me around Hogsmead or school!" I yell at him, the anger bubbling up out of me like never before. Snape lowers his wand, and runs away.

I fall to my knees and start crying. A hand rubs my back.

"I'm sorry." I sob.

"Why are you saying sorry? He is the one who was following us." James comforts me. "Come here." He gets down on the ground with me, and hugs me. He lets me sob into chest.

I pull myself together and look into James' eyes. Without thinking, I lean into his face, and kiss him. My whole body warms, and my spirits lift. I've never felt so happy.


Lily looks into my eyes, and leans in, I do the same. And we kiss. Her lips are soft and warm. I place my hand on her cheek, still wet from tears.

Pulling away from her lips, I look into Lily's eyes, her beautiful green eyes.

"Thank you." Says Lily, I take her into my arms, and we embrace.

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