The Outcasts - 2

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|Estee's POV|

I was completely intrigued by her statement so I closed my locker and faced her. "Yeah why Andrea?" She gave out a little sigh the look up on the ceiling. "Nothing dramatic, just having these weird and creepy nightmares of wolf scratches everywhere...pretty unusual isn't?" Me and Isabelle glance at each other then back at Andrea. "Well cheer up Andrea! No nightmare can stop you from being sad and down..light up a little ok?" I patted her back lightly then she smiled at us.

"Thanks guys! You really guys should be really called the Dynamic Duo of Enlightenment" the three of us laughed then the first bell rang signalling class starts in a few minutes. "Oh gotta go guys, can't keep Mr. Nathan waiting and his magic Art skills~ see you two at 2nd period ok?" We wave goodbye to Andrea then proceeded to our first class; Chemistry.

(A/n: now hear in the next part, I don't know anything about mixtures of chemicals yet and author-chan doesn't know the result of it sooo bear with me if I'm wrong ^^)

"First you put 1 tbsp of  Boric Acid then carefully add 1tsp Road Salt to it and mix it gently" our teacher Ms. Peters instructed, showing the demonstration to us. "Now after you mixed it, add 2 tbsp of Sodium Hydroxide to it and let it sit for a about 15 mins" after hearing that, we begin with the experiment. I noticed that Isabelle wasn't paying attention to the instructions and almost put another chemical inside the beaker.

"Hey wait Isabelle don't put that! That's a different chemical it might explode if you put it in with the rest"

"O-oh sorry there, I guess I was spacing out..sorry about that."

"Oh okay, but be careful next time and be attentive ok?" I smiled at her and she returned it with a smile also. You better not be spacing about boys without me?


"Hey Estee let's go!"

"Yeah hold on, just need to get my back" I hurried to the table we were sitted, grabbed my bag and sprinted to the door. "What took you so long anyway? Was it an emergency?" I shook my head a little then replied "No it wasn't; it was my necklace, when I was washing my hands in the restroom and when I look up to the mirror, it was glowing and....."

"And what??" She abruptly stopped walking and faced me.

I look up at her then said "my reflection wasn't there"

"How can that be? Are you some vampire or something?" We continued walking to our 2nd period with this conversation until we reach our classroom. "I don't know Isabelle, I guess I must be seeing stuffs don't worry about it" I walk in first then she followed. "Well if your sure about that...then I'm fine with that"

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