Operation Arch Angel

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A boy with almost gold colored hair walked with another boy a little taller with blue

eyes. They silently met up with a girl and all of them seemed to vanish out of plain sight

for others. The almost golden haired boy had golden eyes with mischief dancing in


Without saying anything, he silently signaled the other two and followed the demon

slowly with his dagger out.

The girl has blonde hair and light blue eyes and is wearing black skinny jeans with a

black hoodie, same with the taller boy but his eyes are darker than the girl's.

The golden eyed boy followed the demon down the road, through a tunnel and it turned

to face him. The thing attacked him, the boy for the first time in a while was startled

and was dragged off balance. A vampire came out of nowhere and started biting his

arms and getting closer to his neck with its white fangs.

Just then, right as the vampire sank it's teeth into the boy's neck, the air seemed to

flinch. The other boy and the girl saw this golden eyed boy being held bleeding and

dying in slow motion.

The girl screamed, "Jace, wake up! Don't die on me! We need you!" She saw the demons

drop 'Jace' and attacked the other boy who was her brother.

"Isabelle, get Jace. Let's go." The taller boy said and winced at the sight of the bodies.

Isabelle answered quickly, "Alec, help me with him. He is literally dying in slow motion

right now."

Alec and Isabelle used Shadowhunter magic and transported to the Institute. As soon as

they passed through the doors, they became unconscious .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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