Chapter 8

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When Jon and I got back home to the Wayne Manor, I went right up to Damian to see if he is okay and tell him about what happened tonight.

"Jon I'm going to talk to Damian. Don't tell anyone about us yet." I whisper into his ear. I leave giving him a wink and a smile.

I got upstairs and knock on Damian's door. I hear him yell come in so I open the door. He has a scowl on his face until he sees it's me so he smiles. He was laying in bed which made me happy because he never listens to anyone when he is supposed too.

"Hello Damian are you feeling better?"

"Yes I'm fine don't worry about it. How was the fair." He asks me.

I blush making him give me a confused look.

"Well... Jon and I had a great time."

"Why do I feel you are hiding something from me?"

"I'm not." I say without looking at him.

"Come here now! I know you are lying." I slowly walk ove to him and sit on the bed.

"Now Hazel tell me everything that happened."

I finally looked him in his eyes and saw so much authority thatI and to tell him. I didn't think he would be this upset about it but I kept telling him everything that happened.

"Then we ran into and alley way and we kissed..."

He stayed silent and I started to get scared.

"Then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. We actually won you some stuff. I won you a big teddy bear it's in the car if you want me to get it for you?"

Suddenly Damian got up and ran down stares yelling.

"I'm going to kill him!! How does he think he can do that?!" Is what he kept yelling out loud.

"Damian get back here you are supposed to stay in bed!" I yell as I run after him.

"Hazel stay away from me I have to talk to Jon!"

"No I don't see why you are so angry! I can date who ever I please!!"

"Not if I can help it!"

It kept going like that until we found Jon in the bat cave with everyone else. They were shocked when we came running in yelling at each other.

Damian ran punched Jon right in the face. I screamed but no one else knew what was going on so they didn't stop it.

"Damian what the fuck was that for?" Jon yelled.

"She isn't yours! Where in your right mind do you think you can kiss her?!"
Damian is furious.

"Damian you need to calm down and tell us what the problem is." Bruce said

Damian looked over at his father and backed away from Jon. I ran over to him so I can check to see if he is okay.

"Jon kissed Hazel! He can't do that because.. because.." Damian couldn't finish what he was saying.

"Why can't I kiss Hazel?!" Jon was now getting angry.

"She is my girlfriend after all!" Now it was out. Everyone knows we are dating and I'm scared. That was when Damian finally lost it.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!" He yelled

Everything went quiet and I was to shocked to understand what happened.

"Wait!.. how? When?" I couldn't think straight. My best friend just told me he loved me but I'm dating Jon who is his best friend.

Damian finally turned to look at me with sadness and love in his eyes.

"I love you Hazel."

"You cant!" I finally said

"You can't because I'm dating Jon who is your best friend and when Bruce adopts me I will be your sister."

I started to walk towards him but he backed up. When he say that I wasn't going to hurt him, he allowed me to touch him. I hugged him which surprised everyone.

I wondered in his ear and said. "I love you too Damian but as a best friend and a brother. I don't want us to ruin our friendship or your friendship with Jon. Please try to get over me and let us all stay close please you guys are the only friends I've ever had." I sounded so desperate and he knew it. He looked me in the eyes "okay.."

He walked over to Jon and hugged him too.

"I'm sorry for punching you but if you hurt her I will kill you with no regrets." Everyone laughed but knew he was completely serious.

"I won't hurt her and I promise to protect her with my life." After Jon said that i ran into them to have a group hug. Everyone else join I've never been more happy even if their was a fight. I know they all care about me.

I pulled away. "Hey everyone why don't we order pizza and have a movie marathon!!?"

I heard a bunchof yes' s and then flash ran away and came back a second later with 5 pizzas.

"This is going to be great!" With that we all went back to the Manor and had a good night all falling asleep after a couple movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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