Chapter 2

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Hazel's pov

Everything is dark I can't see... or move!! What happened?

"What do you think happened to her?" I hear one person say

"I don't know but it looks like she was beat up pretty bad. I found her on the streets about to die." Another says

"Why did you bring her here? When you could have brought her to the hospital! We could be caught!!" It's sounds like an angry little boy said that

"I brought her here to question her and see if she is okay."

With that I tried to move and everyone went silent.

"Is she waking up?"

"I think so"

I'm getting feeling in my body and fuck does it hurt. I finally remember what happened. I was beat up by Bella's boyfriend and dying so why am I alive? No one should have found me.

I open my eyes and gasp in shock. In front of me right now is Batman, Nightwing, and Robin!!!

"I'm going crazy; I actually am dead I knew it. This can't be right. It can't be...." I whispered to myself.

"What the fuck are you saying? Speak up." Robin said angry

"Robin be nice she is hurt." Said Nightwing

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you angry." I said kinda scared because I know what he is capable of.

"Don't worry about Robin he is a little grump. Is it okay of we can question you for a bit?" Nightwing said and behind him Batman shacks his head telling me to do it.

"I could, yes"

"Great let's start off with simple ones like what is your name?"

"Hazel Cassidy"

"Great now your age?"


"Okay now I'm going to ask you a serious question." That said I have a tiny nod.

"Why were you almost dead on the streets?"

I stayed silent. How am i supposed to explain this? I'm from another world where I was beat up by my bully and she planned to kill me but I wake up and I'm in front of you guys. That's crazy but when I look up I see that I accidentally said all of that out loud. Fuck I'm doomed.

"What do you mean you are from another world?" They all say at once.

"Will you believe me when I say this? I'm going to be completely honest. They gave a nod so I continue.

I explained to them that I'm from another world where I read about their lives in comics not actually believing they are real and how I read them to stay sane with me family and school situation. I then tell them about Bella and how she wanted me dead for even touching her though I did punch her right in the face. I told them I was in an alley way dying on my world and when I wake up I'm with them in their world and I have no idea how I got here.

It was silent for a couple of minutes until Batman spoke.

"I believe her"

"Father you can't this is crazy! How could she be from another world?" Robin said shocked

"Isn't Superman from another world and Wonder Women?"

"Yes but she said it herself she knows everything about us from these.. comics? I think she is a spy!"

"I know she is telling the truth but if you need it concerned we can get Wonder Women to use her lassoe of truth. I'll go call her."

(Time skip to when she gets to the bat cave)

"Hello Hazel Will it be okay to us the lassoe of truth?" Wonder women asks.

"Yes please do"

"Is your name Hazel?"


"Are you from another world"


"Are we all from comics and you know everything about us."

I pause for a second.

"Yes you are from comics and they give me a lot of information on you guys but I don't truly know if it is correct because the whole time I thought you guys were fictional characters." I said finally.

Right when I finished someone walks in.

"Hello Superman and Superboy" Wonder Women says.

"Who's that?" Superboy says and I blush and look away.

Everyone looks at me funny.

"Hazel why are you blushing?" Nightwing asks.

"No reason." I said bluntly

I wasn't being honest and the lassoe knew it so I screamed in pain.

"Be honest Hazel and it'll stop hurting" Batman said.

"I cant!!"

"Yes you can just say it." Superboy said.

I blush again.

"I....i.. love...  y....." and with that I lost consciousness.

Oh dear a little cliffhanger for you guys hope you loved it like I did. How did you get there? Did everyone understand what you were going to say? Do they believe you and could they ever trust you? Keep reading and you will find all of these things out!!

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